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I know everyone is excited about the features only the Propeller has... — Parallax Forums

I know everyone is excited about the features only the Propeller has...

chazbrazilchazbrazil Posts: 27
edited 2006-05-31 13:04 in Propeller 1
But has anyone tried using some of the Basic Stamp modules like the temperature and humidity sensor, or any of the RF modules? Just curious on how easy it was.


  • JavalinJavalin Posts: 892
    edited 2006-05-31 13:04
    I've got most of mine working, I've posted an i2c object on this forum which coveres the i2c clock (DS1307), temp (ds1621) etc.

    The EB500 bluetooth etc are just serial and pin state checking - so that'l be easy.

    Not got the compass (HM55B) and the MEMSIC working yet....

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