Uart.sendByte makes us reboot :'(
Posts: 6
We are trying to send a message through bluetooth and when it gets to sendByte, more precise CPU.writeRegister, it reboots. I read that you can make the javelin stamp reboot by connecting a pin to reset but i dont know how to do it.
Plz help
Plz help
Check if your transmit pin is connected (accidently) via a resistor (or has a short) to
the reset pin. It may also be that your transmit pin sources a large current.
Leave your transmit pin disconnected and see if the javelin still reboots when
using sendByte().
regards peter
We tried writing a "spammer" that just send a message every second (almost) by using the timer. This works.
We have a hard time to understand why our calculations that happen before might mess things up.
What does sendByte try to do? And what does writeRegister do?
PS. Yes we do not want to reboot :P DS.
The buffer contents is transmitted in the background.
If your transmit pin only connects to your
Bluetooth input terminal, I don't see how that
could enforce a reboot.
You could post your code and tell exactly at what point in your
code the javelin reboots.
regards peter
Could it be when we cast our int to char?
You mentioned calculations before using sendByte().
These calculations might cause a stack overrun which
could result in a reboot.
Can't really tell without the full code.
Why not attach your main class (and involved class if any).
You could also single step through your code using the debugger.
If it is a stack error it should show up there.
regards peter
You can find (almost) all our source code here
Thanks for all your help so far
why defining in class INIC() the private txUart and rxUart static?
Try running your code with txUart and rxUart not static.
Report the result.
regards peter
The problem was the initiation of the obejcts in the constructor in Controller.
We rearranged the initiations and it worked fine.
Not sure why this is a problem... but it works.
due to the large number of classes.
I noticed many of the class constructors do not take arguments
but do use the keyword new frequently, so objects are created
almost everywhere. I find this difficult to track.
Here's a tip:
Create your objects in your main class.
Then pass the required objects to the contructors of your classes.
This gives you a single place where objects are created and thus
also allows you to change the initialization order easily.
You then also see in your main class what hardware resources (eg.·pins)
are used, and what VP objects your program uses.
regards peter