switching high volt AC
Posts: 71
I'm planning on controlling something called "EL wires" which are electroluminescent wires that require high voltage (around 150v-200v), low current at high frequency AC (400hz). My question is how should i switch this? I was thinking possibly two transistors with a common base tied to a Stamp's output pin?
Ryan Clarke
Parallax Tech Support
Hope it helps!
Basic stamp Newbie
What I'm trying to do is the equivalent of turning on/off an LED with a transistor using DC source...I'm just looking to do the same thing with AC and EL wire.
Try this link:
I think it will give you a great start on interfacing the stamp with triacs.
Edit: I have attached images, author unknown, probably the person that posted the above link.· If not, my apologies to the actual author.
Note: the above link deals extensively with dimming AC lighting.· You may be only interested in on/off so your circuit will be greatly simplified.· You can lose all the zero crossing components as well as the program that controls timing relative to zero crossing.· Also note that the circuits shown mention that they are meant to drive maximum 4 amps resistive.· I believe that El Wire is primarily capacitive, but I don't think that will give the triacs any trouble.· If it does influence performance, try adding some parallel resistance to the El Wire.
Basic stamp Newbie
Post Edited (Hulk) : 5/24/2006 2:17:35 PM GMT
If so why don't you consider using SSRs (Solid state Relays).
Parallax sells such a product under Industrial, on the left hand side bar.
the product @ the link will allow you to control up to 4 SSRs
I've been working with the SSRs without the Board from parallax, but ordering it is on my list. I purchased·my SSRs directly though Mouser.com
The part that I'm using, (CX24D5R = Crydom SSR specs are: 3-15Vdc Input/ controls up to/ 240Volts AC@ up to 5Amps),·these parts handle DC power·just the same as·AC, and is 100% compatible with the·part, (CX380D5R),·that Parallax sells.
Simple 4 pin hookup.·+&- low power input 3-15Vdc and two pins AC ~ or DC High voltage.
If need be, The switching time, (Duty cycle), can be·fast. I·tested it with the 1LED.spin program running on a Propeller·chip·and I changed the timing from 1/2sec down to approximately ·7.8ms and the SSR·is switching without a problem.
Note:·I am·switching low power·DC in this application about 9V dc, but it could just as well be 90V AC.
I have worked with EL plates and wires before as well a neon signs and Lasers, most use high Voltage with low current so SSRs are a grate fit for the job,·Switching is one aspect and electrical isolation is another consideration. keeping the low voltage safe from the high ac. if SSRs don’t fit the bill try using high voltage and speed Opto Isolators.
don't have any specs but Digikey.com is a good source for such things.
well, I hope that this helps you out.
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