Keep the deer away
Finished a new project! It is useful for those of us that have deer come and dine on our flowers and shrubs. It is a VEX ultrasonic module attached to a BOE,·with a pan/tilt system, two continuous·servos.·The device emits changing Ultrasonic frequencies into the air in every direction the pan/tilt allows. The changing frequencies can be picked up by deer within about 15 ft(an approximate.). It irritates them, and they go away!·The idea is already·patented by a company·.(without the BS2 or Pan/tilt). After a lot of tests, i decided it worked.
Please post any comments or questions.
Oh yeah... the program:
Please post any comments or questions.
Oh yeah... the program:
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} ' {$PORT COM4} COUNTER VAR Word main: FOR COUNTER = 1 TO 5 PULSOUT 12, 650 FREQOUT 0, 20, 35000 PAUSE 400 NEXT FOR COUNTER = 1 TO 10 PULSOUT 13, 650 FREQOUT 0, 20, 45000 PAUSE 600 NEXT FOR COUNTER = 1 TO 10 PULSOUT 13, 850 FREQOUT 0, 20, 25000 PAUSE 600 NEXT FOR COUNTER = 1 TO 5 PULSOUT 12, 850 FREQOUT 0, 20, 40000 PAUSE 400 NEXT GOSUB NEXT2 NEXT2: FOR COUNTER = 1 TO 10 PULSOUT 13, 650 FREQOUT 0, 20, 38000 PAUSE 600 NEXT FOR COUNTER = 1 TO 10 PULSOUT 13, 850 FREQOUT 0, 20, 30000 PAUSE 600 NEXT GOSUB main
·Somebody said...
-Never Underestimate the power of human stupidity.
Anything is possible, its just that impossible is also possible.
Now this someting that i need to make for my Mother
She has the same problem with them Deer come and Dine
On the new leaves of her fruit trees she work so hard on these tree
So this works
And the Rackcones eat all the fruit off of the trees and leave nothing behind
Do you think this will work on them as well
So where do i get these part from ( Please part # )
VEX Ultrasonic Module and a Pan/Tilt System
........ Now pan/tilt system................
.........Are they two continuous servos or are these two different parts.........
The devices are in
VEX ultrasonic module , with a pan/tilt system, two continuous servos.
Do you have a schematic for this Project
Thank You For Any Help That You Can Give Me In This Matter And For Your Time
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 5/23/2006 10:12:19 PM GMT
the pan/tilt is simple homemade using two continous servos.
The schematic is easy:
two servos attached to 12 and 13.
The orange wire on input connected to P0.
The red one on input connected to Vdd
and BOTH black wires attached to Vss.
I'm saving one of your questions for last.
So this works?
Me and a few friends agree yes. Considering the basic concept was patented, we know the idea works. I ran quite a few tests. The deer are such a problem, you can come 2 feet up to them before they run away. Some tests I run:
Have your unit guard a cabbage, fruit, or plant, for a few days. See if it was munched on by any deer. I would repeat this test again, and then also repeat it with different bait
Walk up to a deer, nice and calmly, and see if the device seems to have any effect on the deer.
With raccoons, it would be easier to test. Just have it guard a shiny object!
Well, my device seemmed to work, after fiddling around with the frequencies. I tried I think it was 12 tests, and wrote detailed results about each. Rememeber, repetition is everything. Somethimes, what is just a coincidence, you might think is a successful test, because you want to think that.
Hope this helps,
································· ··
Thank you for your reply this helps alot
····································· ·
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
In which case, how do you vary the frequency output??
Shawn Lowe
My last words shall be - "NOT YET!!!"
·· Presumably a piezo speaker was used.· Perhaps A.C. should post pictures and schematic?· Anything over about 20 KHz is generally considered ultrasonic (above human hearing range).· Inherently many devices generate harmonics which we can hear (some people).· My parents used to have an ultrasonic remote for our TV which I could always hear, although it was most assuredly the lower harmonics.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
You should hear it, just like a piezo speaker. Attach black to Vss, and Red to Vdd to boost power. So I figured that It could work just like a Piezo speaker, with a greater range. So I sent down some harmonics, and it seems to have an effect on some dogs, so I highed the harmonics, and it clearly after many tests showed to have an annoyying effect on deer, and they would run away. The schematic is very easy:
VEX input wires:
black = Vss
Red = Vdd
Orange = P0
VEX output wires:
black = Vss
there you go!
I'll get up some pictures,
A+ job!!!!
Anything is possible, its just that impossible is also possible.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Birds heaing range = 2000 to 4000?
Raccoons= 100- 40000 hz
the hearing range of deer is between 2 and 6 kHz
But does that mean These are frauds, and my device is a fraud too???
Both of these use ultrasonic waves to keep away deer. In fact, I even had a nature tech. guy come over tomy house, and he explained it. But deer can't hear ultrasonic? The deer tech modules use around 40 kHz he said. And my module did pass a lot of tests...
And they patented their device...?
Well, at least it will work with racoons...
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
OS-X: because making Unix user-friendly was easier than debugging Windows
Maybe they somehow can sense the ultrrasonic signals, because a lot of my tests couldn't have been coincidences. Like the deer munch on the hostas every night, and for a whole two week, the hostas never showed any signs of being eaten. I took digital pictures to compare the plants. I will look more in to this
Stray cats
Stray dogs
"Inside each and every one of us is our one, true authentic swing. Something we was born with. Something that's ours and ours alone. Something that can't be learned... something that's got to be remembered."
appearantly a guy in England came up with a system to keep teenagers away. He is selling the heck out of it.
He was pulsing tones above 17khz. Appearently as you get older,· you loose the higher range hearing, so at over 20 years, you can't hear his signal.
His daughter was also on the radio. appearently her firends put the about 17khz tone on ringtones so the teachers can't hear them ....
Pretty cool - An alarm clock that will bug my (soon to be teenagers - but not me!)
“The noise!” he complained.
“What noise?” the grownups asked.
Now 39, Stapleton has taken the lesson he learned that day - that children can hear sounds at higher frequencies than adults can - to fashion a novel device that he hopes will provide a solution to the eternal problem of obstreperous teenagers who hang around outside stores and cause trouble.
“It’s loud and squeaky and it just goes through you,” said Jodie Evans, 15. “It gets inside you.”
and you've got somehting ....
Note the frequencies the stamp can output with a FREQOUT instruction...start the wheels turning....
Ryan Clarke
Parallax Tech Support
I had (and still to a lesser degree now) the problem when walking through an entertainment section of a store with tens of televisions on, the high pitch whine of the scanning beam drove me nuts, my mom never heard it.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 6/1/2006 7:44:52 PM GMT
OS-X: because making Unix user-friendly was easier than debugging Windows
I suspect the unpredictible and intense strobe might shy them away - especially multiple locations.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan