Overlapping bytemove/longmove/wordmove
If the regions pointed to by bytemove are overlapping, in either the
positive or negative direction, is bytemove still guaranteed to do the
right thing? Ditto for the other two. Thanks!
positive or negative direction, is bytemove still guaranteed to do the
right thing? Ditto for the other two. Thanks!
Chip Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
I'm still confused by a few things though.
If I have:
var long curline, put
what is the difference between the expressions
and just
curline[noparse][[/noparse]put] ?
Also, the description of @@ makes me a bit concerned; it says if I have
foo "baz", 0
foo2 "baz2", 0
bar long @foo, @foo2
that I need to use @@bar[noparse][[/noparse]0] and @@bar instead of @bar[noparse][[/noparse]0] and @bar
because the values in bar are not offset by the beginning of the data space.
Can we get a clarification of exactly when we can expect the values to be
so offset, and when we cannot? If I use
x := @foo
in a program, x gets the address of foo, so I don't need to use @@, right?
So why doesn't it when I use
bar long @foo
Thanks for all the help!
Chip Gracey
Parallax, Inc.