Propeller, in the know

If you are like me, you are trying to catch up and keep up.· Hopefully this thread will eliminate some of the burden on Parallax's Search Engine and give us all more bandwidth.
I hope that it will also help you gather your reading material and improve the Forum's dialogue.
Several threads and postings establish key information until the documentation is finished.
For instance, the earliest is "Early Propeller Chip Documentation, Rev. 0.1" which remains a useful introduction the the Assembly language until more is known.
There is another Assembly document, "Categorial List of Propeller Assembly Language:" that has been mentioned in error as the only Assembly reference.
"Propeller Manual, Preliminary Draft Version 0.4' is currently the most useful entry point, but it still lacks the tutorial and the assembler chapters.
Also, I am just printing the 56 page PDF file on"SPIN CODE EXAMPLES" that may be best considered the 'defacto tutorial' until another formal one arrives.
Regarding schematics, the following three provide the most crucial information.
The PropSTICK documentation schematic is just about the best starting point to breadboard a 40-dip.
If you cannnot acquire a MAX3232 chip or don't have a USB2SER device, you will either be looking for Beau's 3 transistor interface or Chip's 2 transistor interface.· Both appear to require being soldered to function well.· Just pluging components into a breadboard will cause trouble.
And finally,·Chip's 'NEW PROPELLER DEMO BOARD' thread [noparse][[/noparse]with photo of the 3X3 beauty] now has the complete schematic that is an excellent reference for video interfaces, keyboards, mice, a mic, and an audio amp.
Errata information is welcome, just email
If you want to follow people: first try Chip, Jon, and Beau.· Forgive me I have offended anyone, by they all work together so they can facilitate referals to specific experts [noparse][[/noparse]and there are many] and share much of the day-to-day changes.
I think those are the major milestones for now, but please mention any and all I have forgotten.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Post Edited (Kramer) : 5/10/2006 6:18:32 AM GMT
I hope that it will also help you gather your reading material and improve the Forum's dialogue.
Several threads and postings establish key information until the documentation is finished.
For instance, the earliest is "Early Propeller Chip Documentation, Rev. 0.1" which remains a useful introduction the the Assembly language until more is known.
There is another Assembly document, "Categorial List of Propeller Assembly Language:" that has been mentioned in error as the only Assembly reference.
"Propeller Manual, Preliminary Draft Version 0.4' is currently the most useful entry point, but it still lacks the tutorial and the assembler chapters.
Also, I am just printing the 56 page PDF file on"SPIN CODE EXAMPLES" that may be best considered the 'defacto tutorial' until another formal one arrives.
Regarding schematics, the following three provide the most crucial information.
The PropSTICK documentation schematic is just about the best starting point to breadboard a 40-dip.
If you cannnot acquire a MAX3232 chip or don't have a USB2SER device, you will either be looking for Beau's 3 transistor interface or Chip's 2 transistor interface.· Both appear to require being soldered to function well.· Just pluging components into a breadboard will cause trouble.
And finally,·Chip's 'NEW PROPELLER DEMO BOARD' thread [noparse][[/noparse]with photo of the 3X3 beauty] now has the complete schematic that is an excellent reference for video interfaces, keyboards, mice, a mic, and an audio amp.
Errata information is welcome, just email
If you want to follow people: first try Chip, Jon, and Beau.· Forgive me I have offended anyone, by they all work together so they can facilitate referals to specific experts [noparse][[/noparse]and there are many] and share much of the day-to-day changes.
I think those are the major milestones for now, but please mention any and all I have forgotten.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Post Edited (Kramer) : 5/10/2006 6:18:32 AM GMT
" "Early Propeller Chip Documentation, Rev. 0.1" remains a useful introduction the the Assembly language until more is known."
Could you provide directions on how to find that document? Searching this forum didn't pull it up for me.
Jim C
Not commung up on the search...
" It's nice to be important, but
·· more important to be nice... "
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
" It's nice to be important, but
·· more important to be nice... "
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Regarding serial ports, Chip's 2 transistor design is in the same thread as Beau's 3 transistor design. With Beau's design - Use the orignial and don't get caught up with trying to modify it.
The search engine seems to get overloaded at times OR you don't look back TWO months. I believe that everything is in the Propeller forum or at the Propeller sales page.
New Propeller Demo Board Thread [noparse][[/noparse]reference schematic]
Propeller RS-232 Serial Adapter [noparse][[/noparse]no USB]
PropSTICK schematic [noparse][[/noparse]it is in the PDF]·
Propeller Manual / the IDE & Magazine reviews
Also, Catagorical LIstings of the SPIN and Assembler Languages
Early Propeller· Document {same as·Bean's referral above}····
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Post Edited (Kramer) : 5/13/2006 11:12:29 AM GMT
But, I changed my last thread to include the addresses some time ago and without a separate post the thread which includes important information is disappearing from view.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan