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Data from a PC's joystick — Parallax Forums

Data from a PC's joystick

Grant_OGrant_O Posts: 36
edited 2006-05-10 14:03 in BASIC Stamp
Hey,·before I start messing around with·this I was wondering how I could interface a PC's joystick (old style DB15 pin)·to a BS2? I have pulled a few apart and after looking at them I noticed that all the pots and buttons inside·lead to a small circuit with an IC. Is that some kind of clock? I was reading this recent·post about how a PS/2 mouse can be interfaced, seems that there’s an internal·clock in a mouse.·So would that·make it so I can’t use shiftin?·Can I get some kind of chip that can·convert the data? I don’t really·know what Game port/joystick data looks like or is even·called. But if its different then just straight pots connected to a BS2 I wouldn’t be able to use any type of pot scaling either?

im trying to send data (X,Y and the buttons) using serout·that then goes through a digital tranceivers to be received by·another basic stamp·that controlls two stepper motors that can·pan, tilt and zoom·a camera·and turn on or off a·spot light·(the video signal is·sent back by a·seperate transmitter)···

thanks for any help


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