propeller debug idea?
I was wondering.....
After the programming sequence is finished and the pins become general useage again,·would it be possible for the Propeller IDE to recieve any characters sent serially back from the propeller?
You'd have to put a simple serial object in your code to send back on pin A30 - so practically up to 19.2k would be possible.
Kinda like the Basic Stamp's debug window?
Just a thought....
I was wondering.....
After the programming sequence is finished and the pins become general useage again,·would it be possible for the Propeller IDE to recieve any characters sent serially back from the propeller?
You'd have to put a simple serial object in your code to send back on pin A30 - so practically up to 19.2k would be possible.
Kinda like the Basic Stamp's debug window?
Just a thought....
Many of us were hoping a terminal program would have been built into the IDE by this release... but maybe next time [noparse]:)[/noparse]
Martin Hebel
Southern Illinois University Carbondale - Electronic Systems Technologies
Personal Links with plenty of BASIC Stamp info
StampPlot - Graphical Data Acquisition and Control
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax