Custom Made Keypad
Is it Posible to make your own keypad to interface with a basic stamp 2
i am unable to find the proper keypad for my project does anyone have any homemade keypad links?
i need to build it for·my own needs, by preference a membrane keypad
has anyone tried such thing?
i am unable to find the proper keypad for my project does anyone have any homemade keypad links?
i need to build it for·my own needs, by preference a membrane keypad
has anyone tried such thing?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
What we tried and it worked ok, but you really had to push hard to get it to work, was basically two printed circuit boards
sandwiched together. One board(the bottom board) was a standard 1/16th inch PCB, the other board (the top board) was
a 1/64th inch PCB. A mylar insulation (5 mils ) was used in-between the boards with a 8mm circle cut in the mylar that
corresponded to the location of each switch. One board served as the ROW, and the other board served as the COLUMN.
A simple matrix key scan routine served for reading the switches.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
the rows and collums were made with what looked liked thin lines of copper sheets
do you guys think some thing like that would work ?
I dont think a single membrane keypad would be cheap if i have it made (WITH ALL THE LABOUR THEY MIGHT CHARGE). I looked at the prices they sure dont look cheap if you buy them one by one.
How many switches ere you talking about? ...And is there any kind of pattern regularity on how the switches would be placed?
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
It would be a 'little' expensive @ $4 x 16 but may work.
It looks to me like you have been given a LOT of help. You need to do SOMETHING yourself - that's how we learn!
i·made my rows and collums using copper foil
guys have any ideas how to make copper foil to stick on a plastic transparent layer sheet ?
nearby, you might be able to get it at a hardware store. Otherwise there are several places on-line
Digikey, Mouser, etc.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.