Radio Shack Breadboard
I am making the ARobot from Arrick Robotics, which uses a Basic Stamp 2, working through Roger Arrick's book 'Robot Building for Dummies'. The book's projects are based on the use of breadboard and protoboards from Radio Shack for which the ARobot base is predrilled:
Breadboard number 276-174
Protoboard number 276-170
I am in the UK and depend on·friends of mine in the US to send such items (Radio Shack, called Tandy,·closed down many years ago in the UK). As mentioned in another, long thread, RS seems to have closed down their electronic component business and no one can find these items.
Can anyone still find these items and would any forum member be prepared to send them to me? I can transfer cash via PayPal. I know that a Canadian electronics chain (can't remember the name) also had these items. Any ideas for alternatives (6 inch long breadboard/protoboard with fixing holes in the corners)
Thanks for any help or advice.
Isle of Man, British Isles
Breadboard number 276-174
Protoboard number 276-170
I am in the UK and depend on·friends of mine in the US to send such items (Radio Shack, called Tandy,·closed down many years ago in the UK). As mentioned in another, long thread, RS seems to have closed down their electronic component business and no one can find these items.
Can anyone still find these items and would any forum member be prepared to send them to me? I can transfer cash via PayPal. I know that a Canadian electronics chain (can't remember the name) also had these items. Any ideas for alternatives (6 inch long breadboard/protoboard with fixing holes in the corners)
Thanks for any help or advice.
Isle of Man, British Isles
The site shows 'out of stock' for the breadboard
Isle of Man, British Isles
Do you happen to have pictures of either or both of the boards?
If any of us can find them, how many would you be hoping to obtain?
Hang in there, Radio Shack may not be the only source of those boards!
Bruce Bates
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I found the pictures of the units you're looking for, and some of these breadboards from Farnell may make reasonable replacements:
Bruce Bates
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· They are a good outfit, they may ship overseas; if not, have your friends buy & ship for you (as seems your usual.)
I can obtain other solderless breadboards but I was hoping to find this one as it fits the predrilled base perfectly.
Isle of Man, British Isles
I think they ship to the uk