Using webcam to navigate
Hi. I was wondering how I could build a bot that navigates with a web-cam. It would be simple if it just read pixels to follow a line. I was wondering if a BS2 could read information from a webcam, or maybe an SX. How does the average webcam work?
·Somebody said...
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You might be able to find an old serial webcam, but I don't think the stamp can do the image processing in any reasonable amount of time, if at all.
Unfortunately, I doubt the BS2px has the capacity to process the data from a webcam, even a serial one.
Maybe the Propeller can do the job, but you'll have to build your own tools for the task.
Where did you get hold of a serial webcam?
And do you have the datasheet on it?
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You can buy one here. It might not work, because it is a 25 port, but I plan on using an adapter.
I don't have a datasheet. Would if work if I used a serial to USB adapter? Because I will to eventually move to a USB webcam, because this one isn't that great.
Does anyone working for Parallax know if the propellor will work?
I will probably wait for the Propellor developement board to come out.
Read the Features section:
25-pin standard parallel port connections (no parallel port pass-through)
AT and PS/2 Keyboard power tap pass-through cable
IEEE1284 level 2 compliant with Nibble and ECP support
It's parallell-port, so there's no way you can use it with a serial port.
It may be possible to 'bit bang' the camera if you dedicate a lot of pins to it, and learn how the Nibble or ECP port functions on a parallel-port works, and also get ahold of the communication protocol.
(If the camera had been serial it might have been possible to 'sniff' it, but this is a bit more difficult)
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