Propeller Clip, PropStick and Reset
Propeller Team:
I am on the verge of plunging into the Propeller world, now that parts are actually available. However, I am confused in general about how the reset on the Propeller works, and confused in specific about the Propeller Clip.
After reading the documentation and forum discussions, it is becoming clear that the either the IDE, or the user himself (with the help of a terminal emulation program) resets the Propeller using the DTR 'pin' on the PC. So here are the questions:
1) Is there actually a "Propeller Clip" for sale? I see it referred to in the documentation, but it is not on the Parallax site anywhere.
2) Is the "Propeller Clip" the same as the USB2SER part? If the USB2SER is not the same as the Clip, could it still be used somehow?
3) If I start with the PropStick while waiting additional parts to become available, it would appear that the included MAX232 part handles the reset. Presumably it is doing the conversion from the DTR signal from the PC side to the reset on the Propeller side. If so, then if I can cobble a serial connection together, all this resetting stuff should get handled by the IDE without further user intervention. Is this correct?
I am on the verge of plunging into the Propeller world, now that parts are actually available. However, I am confused in general about how the reset on the Propeller works, and confused in specific about the Propeller Clip.
After reading the documentation and forum discussions, it is becoming clear that the either the IDE, or the user himself (with the help of a terminal emulation program) resets the Propeller using the DTR 'pin' on the PC. So here are the questions:
1) Is there actually a "Propeller Clip" for sale? I see it referred to in the documentation, but it is not on the Parallax site anywhere.
2) Is the "Propeller Clip" the same as the USB2SER part? If the USB2SER is not the same as the Clip, could it still be used somehow?
3) If I start with the PropStick while waiting additional parts to become available, it would appear that the included MAX232 part handles the reset. Presumably it is doing the conversion from the DTR signal from the PC side to the reset on the Propeller side. If so, then if I can cobble a serial connection together, all this resetting stuff should get handled by the IDE without further user intervention. Is this correct?
2) For all intents and purposes, yes. The P/C uses a newer FTDI component to bring down size and cost, and the pin-out is slightly different.· That said, the USB2SER was originally developed as a Propeller programming device, so you can indeed use either.
3) Yes -- schematics have been posted here in the forums..
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax