PropSTICK Video Output

Among the Propeller's many remarkable capabilities, video output has to rank near the top. It's a simple matter to get video output from the PropSTICK. All you need is an RCA jack and three resistors, as illustrated in the photo below. The recommended values for the resistors and the ports they connect to for the Graphics_Demo.spin video demo program are as follows:
··A12: 1.1K
··A13: 560
··A14: 270
These will yield a 1V p-p signal into a 75-ohm load. I didn't have a 1.1K lying around, so I substituted 1K, 510, and 220. It worked just fine.
··A12: 1.1K
··A13: 560
··A14: 270
These will yield a 1V p-p signal into a 75-ohm load. I didn't have a 1.1K lying around, so I substituted 1K, 510, and 220. It worked just fine.
I guess that is an RCA plug.
My problem is that I am considering using a computer monitor, but the plug is something like a DB-9 - excepting that it has 3 rows of pins totaling 15.
I presume this is a DB-15.
Is there an easy hardware interface?
And is there a supporting SPIN object for it.
This is important and I really am trying to sort out what kind of video I want to use against what is available locally.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
This may be of interest to me also, I have an old monochrome monitor laying around that would be great for debuging, much better than a 16x2 LCD!
I was a little stumped at first, getting tangled up in TV_Terminal_Demo instead of Graphics_Demo. One of the versions of TV_Terminal_Demo I have (don't know exactly where it came from) didn't have a parameter after the "term.start" line. This lead me to the TV_Terminal driver, which indicates a basepin parameter needs to get sent, with "basepin = first of three pins on a 4-pin boundary (0,4,8...)". Well, seeing as the first pin in the Demo board schematic (and in your example) was A12, I tried "12" as the parameter.
That lead nowhere, so I started poking around some more. I found another version of TV_Terminal_Demo that had a parameter of 3 after the "term.start" command. That worked fine. Apparently, the parameter that the TV_Terminal driver expects is 0,1,2,3... instead of 0,4,8,12... , with the parameter being the Pin_Number / 4
Is this correct?
looking in doc mode at the tv terminal spin its confusing.. how do i change output pins if i wanted to ? or is it defaulted to a12,13,14 ??? is that due to the dev board ?? ( using propstick... i like it )
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Our intent is to set up an object upload page that allows every contributor to upload new versions and advance the current version number. What we are doing now is not yet automated, so there could be some phase errors (this one should be the only case, though).
Chip Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Separate RGB are probably going to cause me to fall far behind in learning to use SPIN.
Yes, those appear to be some old CGA cables and I am setting them aside.· I will pull the plug on my VGA and take a look at what I need to use.
I suspect I would just spend 3 months studying video and poking around with trying to create a software driver.
If you read the 'V section' of Chapter 4 of the Propeller documentations, you will find that there are really only two set ups. One is a four pin output [noparse][[/noparse]I guess that is the NTSC option] and one is an eight pin option [noparse][[/noparse]I guess that is the VGA option]
Eventually it would be nice to get the VGA, but not right now.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Post Edited (Kramer) : 5/8/2006 3:54:31 PM GMT