Sharp GP2D12 IR Sensor
Posts: 24
I am wodering if you can you connect the Sharp GP2D12 IR sensor directly to a stamp to be used for·object detection?
Thanks for any ideas.
Thanks for any ideas.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Here is an interesting, and hopefully helpful article about linearizing the readings when converting from the Sharp GP2D12's analog voltage to distance:
Bruce Bates
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Here is a web page with some info on using the Sharp GP2D12:
You *might* be able to use the RCTIME command, but resolution will be poor.
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The Sharp GP2D02 I/R distance sensor has a serial interface which easily interfaces with the PBASIC Stamp, and has all of the same characteristics as the GP2D12. Here are some applications notes:
Bruce Bates
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GP2D15- simple (1 pin) digital interface. easiest to interface, rapid response, returns digital (on-off) reading when object is within factory predetermined range. Runs continuously, so it is a bit of a powerhog.
GP2D05- 2 pin interface. rapid response. returns digital (on/off) reading. Distance adjustable with dial on unit. Only runs when queried, so it uses less power. slightly slower response than GP2D15, since you need to query the unit each time.
GP2D02- 2 pin interface. Slow response(plan on 10 or fewer queries per second). serial interface, so it will give you range to object.
GP2D12- 1 pin interface. Runs continuously. intended to be used with an ADC. (recommend a cap to ground on the signal line to level out readings).·Response··time related to size of signal leveling cap. can be used with a voltage comparator·(alternatively a voltage bridge and Scmitt trigger buffer)to deternine a digital threshold that can be read with a Stamp.
There are also long range versions of most of these.
Hope that gets you started.