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Picture of pre-release training class on the Propeller — Parallax Forums

Picture of pre-release training class on the Propeller

Stan671Stan671 Posts: 103
edited 2006-04-29 21:09 in Propeller 1
School of Information Systems and Applied technologies (ISAT) Assistant Professor Martin Hebel was one of only 25 instructors and industry professionals worldwide invited to Rocklin California for pre-release training on the "Propeller" from Parallax, Inc.

Who else can we identify from the picture?


For the full article, click here and scroll down about 3/4 of the page:

Stan Dobrowski
550 x 326 - 37K


  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2006-04-29 01:54
    That was only half the class, I think Martin is in the other half. In the picture of people that visit the forums is: moi, Tracy Allen, Peter (pjv) and Guenther, and I may have missed a couple. I know the identities of several others in the photograph but they are suppliers of Parallax products and don't visit the forums; like the guy to the far right is the creater of the RFID module (among other things), the creator of the Amulet GUI is also pictured.

  • Martin HebelMartin Hebel Posts: 1,239
    edited 2006-04-29 02:40
    No, I'm WAAAAAY back there, hand up, 2nd from your right back row - the bald guy.

    My college in SIU has to promote anything we do as well as it can. shocked.gif

    Martin Hebel
    Southern Illinois University Carbondale - Electronic Systems Technologies

    Personal Links with plenty of BASIC Stamp info
    StampPlot - Graphical Data Acquisition and Control
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2006-04-29 02:58
    Ah ok, sorry Martin, for some reason I thought you were the educator in the third row against the wall on the other side of the room asking alot of questions, my mistake.

  • Ken GraceyKen Gracey Posts: 7,407
    edited 2006-04-29 04:07
    That photo is only the right side of the class, so here is the left side.


    Ken Gracey
    Parallax, Inc.
    550 x 413 - 63K
  • Tracy AllenTracy Allen Posts: 6,667
    edited 2006-04-29 18:03
    In that first photo, I'm the guy next to the window, looking puzzled, with index finger pointed toward the ceiling. Sitting next to me is Phil Pilgrim, otherwise known as PhiPi, with his arm in front of his face raised in a fist salute. Also close by are Joe Grand, on the far right (photographically not politically) developer of the EMIC speech processor and RFID module, Charles Chermack, inquisitive educator, Phill Mass, developer of the Scribbler robot. Paul Baker is seated in the row just behind me with his hand raised in the burgandy shirt. Paul was by far the best dressed, and showed up a dapper suit and necktie, which proves without a doubt that he comes from the east coast. (but maybe wants to move west?!) The guy with the great beard next to Paul, wearing the Basic Stamp T-shirt is John Olson, developer of the Propeller clip and other mechanical marvels.

    Tracy Allen
  • Paul BakerPaul Baker Posts: 6,351
    edited 2006-04-29 21:09
    Tracy Allen said...
    ·Paul Baker is seated in the row just behind me with his hand raised in the burgandy shirt. Paul was by far the best dressed, and showed up a dapper suit and necktie, which proves without a doubt that he comes from the east coast. (but maybe wants to move west?!)
    You are correct on all accounts Tracy tongue.gif . Now if I can get my girlfriend to stop wavering on the idea...

    Ah so that's PhiPi, didnt have much an opportunity to talk at the seminar, but quite familiar with his presence in the·forums since. The guy on my right with the white beard is Dave Winchell, who visits the forums from time to time and does alot of "background" stuff w/ Parallax. And the guy on my left is the editor of Circuit Cellar (darned if I can remember his name, Im so bad at remembering them). Behind me in the white shirt looking to his right is Eduardo Sandoval of Amulet Technologies.


    Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 4/29/2006 9:15:50 PM GMT
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