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New AppMod Thingie

NewzedNewzed Posts: 2,503
edited 2006-04-21 13:58 in General Discussion
I've just started a new project.· It is an AppMod type device, and contains two 595 shift registers and two 2805 Darlington arrays, all SMD.· All the circuitry is on the bottom.· I have attached a picture - not the best - of what you see on the top.

I used a 4x12 header at the top of the board.· The center 2x10 pins plug into the AppMod adapter - the other pins are cut off after soldering.· The extra connections give you two positions for each Stamp pin, eight ground connections, four Vin connections and four Vdd connections.· The single pad at upper left goes the Pin 10 of the 2803s and lets you patch to Vdd or Vin for the Darlington voltage.· I had to use two jumpers, J1/J1 and J2/J2 because the board is single sided.

The points labelled Data, Latch and Clk can be patched tp the Stamp pins of your choice.· You will note there is no Data pin for the left-hand Darlington - it is daisy-chained with the one on the right.· The three Stamp pins give you control of sixteen Darlington outputs.· Headers for the Darlingtons are at the bottom of the board.· The Darlington outputs are numbered right to left.

Pin Qa of the 595 goes to pin I8 of·of the Darlington so I suspect I will·have use LSBFIRST, but I may be able to get around that by assuming the Darlington output pins are numbered left to right.· We'll see.

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