Following Boe bot problem.
Right now, I'm using the 2k ohm resitors (instead of the 1k ohm) on my robot and the following program dosen't work verry good.· I changed the set point to 4, but I've also noticed that the zones (Like zone 2, 3, 4, and all those) are much shorter.· Is there a way I can get it to work with 2k ohm resistors?
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There is always a reason.··· -SciTech02.
There is always an answer.
There is always a way.
There is always a reason.··· -SciTech02.
The actual detection range is by no means as linear as the illustration in the book.
2 k resistors should still work pretty well with a white cardboard box or 8.5 x 11 inch paper target.
Some older kits (3 + years) have problems following with the new book and code. To determine if your IR parts are old, check the IR LEDs. If they are shrink-wrapped and seem small compared to the red LEDs in the kit, they are old. For those IR LEDs, use either 470 or 220 ohm resistors instad of 1 or 2 k.
The following code is very reliable. So long as the IR LEDs and receivers are working, the code should make it follow.
If you are trying to get one robot to follow another, make sure to mount 3x5 cards on the back and sides of the leader Boe-Bot. Also, the leader Boe-Bot should have a slower roaming program that makes it go fairly slow.
PS allanlane5:· That's a good idea about lowering the "Ping" rate.· I always thought it was a little to sensitive.· Thanks for your help.
There is always an answer.
There is always a way.
There is always a reason.··· -SciTech02.