To what end Kurt? To change the firmware on the PINK module you would need to order a Dev kit from Netburner- development is done in C, and the Dev kits begin at about $500.00.
Ryan Clarke
Parallax Tech Support
i have a device (digital cinema projecor dp100 barco) that is using serial port rs232 with a start , adress, command, checksum,stop bytes.
Also that device has a ethernet input that also accept these command, adres,command,checksum, but is using port 40690.
So if i understand , it isn't possible to send data from the pink with the use of port 40690??
Ryan Clarke
Parallax Tech Support
i have a device (digital cinema projecor dp100 barco) that is using serial port rs232 with a start , adress, command, checksum,stop bytes.
Also that device has a ethernet input that also accept these command, adres,command,checksum, but is using port 40690.
So if i understand , it isn't possible to send data from the pink with the use of port 40690??