Composite Video to PAL vs NTSC
Richard Morrison
Posts: 8
Has someone out there home-brewed the Propeller chip to send composite video to a PAL-based TV monitor as would be the case in Europe and also here in Australia·?· The HW interface would be the usual 3 bit DAC.·
I am interested to know what parameters TV.spin should be·passed to do this successfully.· It requires passing in a parameter table of 14 longs - one of these contains a mode bit (bit 0 selects NTSC/PAL) and of course the pin group and nibble would also need to be correctly selected but I'm wondering if there is anything else I need be aware of.
I am interested to know what parameters TV.spin should be·passed to do this successfully.· It requires passing in a parameter table of 14 longs - one of these contains a mode bit (bit 0 selects NTSC/PAL) and of course the pin group and nibble would also need to be correctly selected but I'm wondering if there is anything else I need be aware of.
Chip Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
i've got the mode-long set to 0001, my DVD-Recorder is now able to display the signal (PAL), but the image my TV display is to small. It looks like it is scaled at ~50%.
I tryed to change the hx and vx-params but i got many problems with this.
Can someone help me with this?
thanks very much!
Propwell, if you're using PAL, I usually add 2 to an ntsc's HX value, to get roughly the same size [noparse]:)[/noparse] ie, try using 12 for a PAL hx value [noparse]:D[/noparse]
Hope this helps.
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And is this the highes resolution and imagequality i can get for PAL-TV?
do i understand it right: at the %0000 in de DAT-Block, the
first bit is for "chroma" (0/1)
second bit is for "interlace" (0/1)
third bit is for ntsc/pal (0=NTSC, 1=Pal)
and the fourth bit is for "swap" ?
Or did i missunderstand the whole thing?
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%0000 ' mapped to bits %3210
bit 0 = PAL = %0001 /NTSC = %0000
bit 1 = Interlace = %0010 /Non-interlace = %0000
bit 2 = Strip Chroma from broadcase = %0100, / Don't strip Chroma = %0000 ' I've never used this option, [noparse]:D[/noparse]
bit 3 = Strip Chroma from baseband = %1000, / Don't strip Chroma = %0000 ' I've never used this option either [noparse]:)[/noparse]
so for example
NTSC = %0000 + %0000 '( or just simply = %0000 ' or 0 )
PAL = %0001 + %0000 '( or just simply = %0001 ' or 1)
NTSC_with_Interlace = %0000 + %0010 '( or just simply = %0010 ' or 2)
PAL_with_Interlace = %0001 + %0010 '( or just simply = %0011 ' or 3)
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but is there no way to view the Propeller-Image on the whole TV-Screen? At the moment it looks like this (see the attachment)
And thanks a lot for your great help!!!
as for the help, no worries ;D
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which is shorter than
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here me actual code:
hm but it shifts the colums anyway
as this bit defines the layout of tiles on screen to point to their part of the bitmap
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Each buffer is now $3740 not $3000, so you want to update _stack. This uses about 28K of ram.
and change bitmap_base and display_base to:
bitmap_base = $1180
display_base = $48C0
tv_vc and tv_hc are set in the longmove. To avoid confusion, I would recommend not using them and use x_tiles and y_tiles.
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I understood it like this:
- change bitmap_base and display_base
- do i have to change the stack like this:
and if so, what is the reason for exactly?
I'm really sorry for annoying you with these stupid questions, but i really don't know how to deal with that problem [noparse]:([/noparse]