Finalizing breadboard circuit w/glue?
I have a circuit that's basically done (its on a breadboard) and I want to make it permanent. I just want to keep the wires from getting pulled out. What kind of glue would work? I'm thinking of just using super glue or so to fill the holes where I have components stuck in. I don't think its conductive, so it should be ok. Any thoughts?
I think it's a better idea to replicate the circuit on a printed circuit board with the same layout as the breadboard - and solder all wires. See here for an example
I use it on the backs of my PCB and if there is a problem I can pull it off later.
It is a good insulator and not so liquid as to get too deep into things.
It is just no good with things that get hot enough to melt it.
Super Glue is very tricky stuff. Something you don't want to stick usually gets stuck.
Silicon rubber is good. So is, 5-minute epoxy. But, you really can't expect to ever repair or modify.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Post Edited (Kramer) : 4/17/2006 3:56:55 PM GMT
It'd be safer, I think.
Just glue a bit of cardboard around the edge of the breadboard and pour the potting compound over the whole mess.
But it shouldn't really be required if the wires are short and tidy.
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I don't think that helps you now but you might consider it for next time.
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I just found this thread since I was trying to do this same thing, and Hot Glue was AWESOME! Perfect solution to my situation. I tested it a few times to make sure it was a good hold, yet removable if necessary. And non-conductive. Perfect!
it out gasses corrosive fumes that WILL eat Copper !
I tryed to pot a few underwater devices with it and it ate the wires
You can get E tech rated RTV but its not cheap .
. Hot Glue is now preferred glue . and its cheap ......
But if I did I would get a small tub of that conductive wire glue.
I'd give you the name of the stuff but I am away from my tools
and parts and can't remember. I have used it and it works and
is a fair conductor. I'd just dip the leads into the glue and then
stick them back in the holes. Perhaps just a few at a time so
they can set up well and won't be dislodged when you start
pulling out other parts to glue them in.
Then drizzle a bunch of hot glue on top of the whole ugly mess
to add some stability.
If you transfer it to a PCB, put in sockets for the chips and verify the voltages on the socket pins before plugging in the chips. This will not guarantee it will work, but it will find reversed power connections and power on the wrong pins. Also measure resistances pin to ground, pin to V+, and pin to pin.
That's kinda ominous, don't you think? "The man was last seen pouring viscous fluids over unprofessionally wired circuitry... Details at 11..."
A local man was found in the basement of his home by a
city inspector who was there to serve a summons for failure
to keep the grounds manicured to local standards.
The mummified remains are estimated to be at least five
years old. A small plastic board appeared to be glued to the
victims hand. He was wearing only a pair of boxer shorts
and a propeller beanie.
Neighbors all said that he was a "quiet man who kept to himself'
The Coroners office has released a forensic sketch of the unknown man
based upon the remains. anyone having any information about the
identity of the man should contact the coroners office.
Technically speaking, the salesperson was correct. Batteries do not contain electricity. Batteries contain photons. You can prove this by putting batteries into a flashlight, which has an inner mechanism that presses down on the batteries (like when you press down on the top of a spray can), and this releases the photon gas, which we see as light. You will note that no sparks or lightning bolts are ever generated. I have performed this experiment countless times, even underwater, even in the dark. Solar batteries collect photons from the sun and store them for release later on. Obviously the eraser the salesperson was showing you worked via photobleaching, not via electric shock.
Thank you! My mind is always open to further en- ... um ... lightenment!