Propeller vs. oopic & Starting out.
I am new to this site and have become interested in the Propeller since reading about it in Nuts & Volts.
My main interest in microcontrollers is for robotics. I have been learning as much as I can about the subject.
Reading and reading. Originally I thought that I might use an oopic. However, once I saw the Propeller,
I started to think otherwise.
I was wondering if someone might be able to tell me how the Propeller compares to the oopic?
After a little bit of reading, it seems that they share object oriented programming. However,
since the Propeller uses multiple processors it would seem to be more capable. Any comparisons of
the two would be appreciated!
Also I noticed that on the Propeller 'home page' it is suggested that people who are interested in learning
to use the propeller have prior microcontroller experience. That led me to think that I should get a BS2 kit
first and learn on it and then move to the Propeller. I was wondering though, is it feasible to learn about
microcontrollers with a Propeller? Just to save some time and money. I would have to learn pbasic and then
turn around and learn the new language for the Propeller. Just need some advice. It could be that the learning
curve on the BS2 with pbasic would take me long enough that later learning a new language and buying a new
kit wouldn't really be that big of a deal.
Thank you in advance for any suggestions you might have for me! It's greatly appreciated!!
- Marc
I am new to this site and have become interested in the Propeller since reading about it in Nuts & Volts.
My main interest in microcontrollers is for robotics. I have been learning as much as I can about the subject.
Reading and reading. Originally I thought that I might use an oopic. However, once I saw the Propeller,
I started to think otherwise.
I was wondering if someone might be able to tell me how the Propeller compares to the oopic?
After a little bit of reading, it seems that they share object oriented programming. However,
since the Propeller uses multiple processors it would seem to be more capable. Any comparisons of
the two would be appreciated!
Also I noticed that on the Propeller 'home page' it is suggested that people who are interested in learning
to use the propeller have prior microcontroller experience. That led me to think that I should get a BS2 kit
first and learn on it and then move to the Propeller. I was wondering though, is it feasible to learn about
microcontrollers with a Propeller? Just to save some time and money. I would have to learn pbasic and then
turn around and learn the new language for the Propeller. Just need some advice. It could be that the learning
curve on the BS2 with pbasic would take me long enough that later learning a new language and buying a new
kit wouldn't really be that big of a deal.
Thank you in advance for any suggestions you might have for me! It's greatly appreciated!!
- Marc
And we tend to shy away from "us versus them" comparisons; we'd rather tell you everything we can do and let any other vendor do the same.· We can't possibly know their products inside-and-out, nor can they ever know ours.· Those comparisons are typically used only as selling tools, and are rarely -- if ever -- unbiased.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
I was definitely going to read "What's a microcontroller?" in fact I have already started! I just wasn't sure if all
of the information provided in that book would be applicable to the Propeller.
As far as product comparison, no worries! I realized that I was on a Parallax forum and that any information I might get could 'lean' in the
direction of a Parallax product!
Thanks again!
- Marc
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax