PINK & Binary data transfer over UDP ?
Posts: 3
Dear Readers,
I have the following chalenge for you.
For an application, I need to transfert/retreive binary data using the pink module.
I understand that "PINK " uses "zero" (0x00) as eof, which is conflicting with binary data transfert.
My question : what are the other options to interact with PINK for tranfering binary data over UDP with PINK ?
By the way, I thank a lot the Javelin yahoo forum, that help me a lot dealing with pink.
Guys how did you get the knowledge ? The documentation is so thin...
Thanks for the help !
I have the following chalenge for you.
For an application, I need to transfert/retreive binary data using the pink module.
I understand that "PINK " uses "zero" (0x00) as eof, which is conflicting with binary data transfert.
My question : what are the other options to interact with PINK for tranfering binary data over UDP with PINK ?
By the way, I thank a lot the Javelin yahoo forum, that help me a lot dealing with pink.
Guys how did you get the knowledge ? The documentation is so thin...
Thanks for the help !
for example, use '\','\' to send a '\' and
use '\','0' to send a binary 0.
The javelin when it reads a variable, it scans for '\'
if it is followed by '\' then the char is '\'
if it is followed by '0' then the char is binary null.
I believe all other ascii codes are accepted
so this the quickest method and it has a nice
java appeal (like '\n', '\r', also have a \'0')
regards peter
I added methods writeBinVar() and readBinVar() that implement the escape sequence
mentioned in my previous post.
regards peter