Parallax Servo Controller Question
Does anyone know if you can use a single SEROUT command to send signals to 2 or more servo at one time. Such as
making the wheels turn for mobility while sending a reverse pulse width signal to each to compensate for how the servo is mounted
as you typical mount the servos on the BOE-BOT?
making the wheels turn for mobility while sending a reverse pulse width signal to each to compensate for how the servo is mounted
as you typical mount the servos on the BOE-BOT?
Presuming you're driving these servos directly from the Stamp, you want to be using Pulsout, not Serout. Second, if you're not using a separate servo controller board, each servo must be driven independently for individual control.
I hope that answers your question.
Bruce Bates
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·· With the PSC you will send it serial commands for each channel.· Only one is needed until you need to change something, however each channel will have to have its own serial command sent for that channel.· There is no, "All Channels Forward" type of command.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Thank you...thats the answer I was looking for...darn it! [noparse]:)[/noparse]
What is also nice is that, if you tell a servo to go to point A, but half way through its movement you decide you want to go back to A, at a new speed... the servo controller will begin ramping the servo towards the new position at your new speed without "jumping" to point A first to complete its first movement or have a starting point for the second movement.
Very cool! I am looking forward to my extra shipment of servo's.....heheheh...