stamp data to stampplot to email
I am working on a project to capture stamp data, and create and send an email message from the data. I
capture the data in a txt file using stamp plot lite. Where I run into a stone wall is finding software
that will allow me (under program control) to include the txt message as a file attachment and generate an email message
at a fixed time each day.· I tried searching (google) and came up with a multitude of email software
packages which all seem to create and·generate spam. I searched this forum but couldnt locate anything.
Can anyone suggest a link, book, or any information that will get me on the path to solving this?
Thanks for your help
capture the data in a txt file using stamp plot lite. Where I run into a stone wall is finding software
that will allow me (under program control) to include the txt message as a file attachment and generate an email message
at a fixed time each day.· I tried searching (google) and came up with a multitude of email software
packages which all seem to create and·generate spam. I searched this forum but couldnt locate anything.
Can anyone suggest a link, book, or any information that will get me on the path to solving this?
Thanks for your help
I can get a stamp to make phone calls and communicate sensor conditions without much difficulty, but getting a stamp to send e-mail opens new vistas for those without advanced programming skills. I look at the process as a learning experience. Thanks again for your help
The learning perl book is wonderful. After a few chapters of that try the perl cookbook. Recipe 18.9 - Sending Attachments in Mail should be just what you're looking for. A lot of perl examples can also be found simply through google searches.