My robot
Here is picture of my robot with the PING))) sensor and VEX bumper sensors attached with custom brackets.
Radio Shack had a half off deal on the sensor so got them mainly because the whiskers could not be used due to the PING servo.
The camera is a 2.4g wireless that just shows the robots point of view. Its infrared and cost about 60 bucks at a local computer parts
Next steps:
Create· large chassis base using sheet aluminum, tranfser all gear from this robot to new chassis, and add 2 extra wheels and servos to provide
more control and add stability. I just ordered the 16 servo controller from Parallax and will use that to maybe add more devices and clean up my wiring
a bit....yuck! I would like to add the RF Transmittier and reciever to control and receive telemetry from the robot to my computer. Has anyone done this before?
Radio Shack had a half off deal on the sensor so got them mainly because the whiskers could not be used due to the PING servo.
The camera is a 2.4g wireless that just shows the robots point of view. Its infrared and cost about 60 bucks at a local computer parts
Next steps:
Create· large chassis base using sheet aluminum, tranfser all gear from this robot to new chassis, and add 2 extra wheels and servos to provide
more control and add stability. I just ordered the 16 servo controller from Parallax and will use that to maybe add more devices and clean up my wiring
a bit....yuck! I would like to add the RF Transmittier and reciever to control and receive telemetry from the robot to my computer. Has anyone done this before?
of the RoamingWithPing by Parallax, Inc.
Feel free to share any idea's with me!
Where did you get that camera???
When the bot is roaming, can you see where it is going on your PC?
I could route to my computer with a TV computer card though...hmmmm.....thanks for the idea! [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I MUST KNOW!!!!!!!!
for one.
Here is a link to eBay that have a bunch of similiar camera's. I searched on "2.4 wireless camera".
Now that the Roboeye module is discontinued, this is an easy way to equip a Boe-Bot (or any robot - I have fitted one to a robosapiens!) with a simple video 'eye'. The RF control function that was on the Roboeye could be replaced by RF link modules. Image analysis would require a much more sophisticated set up.
Isle of Man, British Isles
These cameras usually come with an inline phono socket to connect as a wired camera if you don't want to use the built-in·wireless transmitter - rather pointless. I cut this off and insulated the wire ends as it wasn't easy to see how to safely unsolder it from the tiny pcb! The power line has an inline socket which can be cut off and replaced with a 9 volt battery clip soldered to the wires (and the joins protected by heat shrink). These modifications make it really small and light; I have even worn one as a lapel camera sending the video signal back to a VCR like in those hidden camera police surveillance programmes·
Isle of Man, British Isles
on the lead for the VEX bumper sensor. Ignore the red wire as it does nothing. I took apart the sensor and its simply a· momentary SPST switch.
This would replace the 3 prong post that the whisker would normally use.