Hi everyone! 
Im new here and i got a question
Im thinking of to buy this robot ,
But i wonder what i need to buy to make it able to be controlled wireless·from remote , like from my PC?
I would be really glad if·someone could give me a list of things!
I saw these , so i wonder if these are the one i should buy?
[*]Parallax 433 MHz RF Transmitter [*]Parallax 433 MHz RF Receiver
Also i wonder if there is any fast guide about how to program those robots , what i have understand is that they uses some language (PBasic)
I am an experience coder in·BASIC Languages like·VB/RB/Delphi , is the language alike them?
Greetings , Tipex
Post Edited (Tipex) : 4/8/2006 5:44:04 PM GMT

Im new here and i got a question
Im thinking of to buy this robot ,
But i wonder what i need to buy to make it able to be controlled wireless·from remote , like from my PC?
I would be really glad if·someone could give me a list of things!
I saw these , so i wonder if these are the one i should buy?
[*]Parallax 433 MHz RF Transmitter [*]Parallax 433 MHz RF Receiver
Also i wonder if there is any fast guide about how to program those robots , what i have understand is that they uses some language (PBasic)
I am an experience coder in·BASIC Languages like·VB/RB/Delphi , is the language alike them?
Greetings , Tipex
Post Edited (Tipex) : 4/8/2006 5:44:04 PM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I found a tutorial online, , Is it possible to modificate this one an make it send the data it sent to the Servo to the robot by the wireless connection instead?
This might be more what you need.
Controlling your bot from your computer would be expensive wirelessly, but not with a serial cable. That would be very easy and efficient.
But for 1/billion the price, you can control a homemade bot with radio servos and a controller. You can probably get them at radio shack.
But the problem is that it doesent exists any RadioShack stores in my country so i got to order
Wonder if you could give me a list of all things i need?
check out
For bluetooth ideas,
try spark fun electronics.
Here is the parts list for the RC Boe- Bot.
KeyChain and Receiver-·
Boe bot
Check out the remote controlled boe- bot video-
You will have to ask someone else for the code though!
it won't be too advanced.
Notice the keychain has a center button. That can drive a gripper or something
extra servos:
AC fishing