controlling an alarm from javelin
I'm trying to control an alarm using a switch. It's part of the rfid inventory tracking system. what i want to do is·that when·a tag is detected by a reader the alarm should come off. I got the alram to come off when i'm detecting a tag but· i need the alarm to stop after 1 or 2 minutes i need some kind of timer. The other thing is that·i want when i place a deactivated tags by the reader i don't want the alarm to come off. this is the code i'm using:
Thank you
·static int v1 = 0;·· //ON
·static int v2 = 3;· //OFF
public static void main() {
·//· Timer t = new Timer();
···· Timer clock = new Timer();
·· while(true) { //loop forever
····· //wait for '\n'
····· while(true)· {
······· // if(rxUart.byteAvailable ()!=true)
········ // {
············ //· DAC p2 = new DAC(CPU.pin2);
············ //· p2.update(v2);
······ //·· }
·········· if (rxUart.byteAvailable())· {
··········· c=(char)rxUart.receiveByte();
··········· DAC p2 = new DAC( CPU.pin2);
··········· p2.update(v1);
······· }
··········· if (c=='\n') break;
····· }
····· //read 10 bytes and display
····· index=0;
····· while (index<10) {
······· if (rxUart.byteAvailable()) {
·········· c = (char)rxUart.receiveByte();
·········· System.out.print(c);
·········· index++;
······· }
····· }
····· System.out.print ('\n');
·· } //end loop forever
Thank you
·static int v1 = 0;·· //ON
·static int v2 = 3;· //OFF
public static void main() {
·//· Timer t = new Timer();
···· Timer clock = new Timer();
·· while(true) { //loop forever
····· //wait for '\n'
····· while(true)· {
······· // if(rxUart.byteAvailable ()!=true)
········ // {
············ //· DAC p2 = new DAC(CPU.pin2);
············ //· p2.update(v2);
······ //·· }
·········· if (rxUart.byteAvailable())· {
··········· c=(char)rxUart.receiveByte();
··········· DAC p2 = new DAC( CPU.pin2);
··········· p2.update(v1);
······· }
··········· if (c=='\n') break;
····· }
····· //read 10 bytes and display
····· index=0;
····· while (index<10) {
······· if (rxUart.byteAvailable()) {
·········· c = (char)rxUart.receiveByte();
·········· System.out.print(c);
·········· index++;
······· }
····· }
····· System.out.print ('\n');
·· } //end loop forever
on the fly. The question is if you want these tags (eg. this list) only to exist
while the javelin is powered (a list in ram will do then) or if you want
this list permanently stored (in onboard or external eeprom) that can be
restored after·the javelin powers up.
Please specify.
regards peter