Hello all.Having trouble with a code example from the SX/B help file(Thermomter Code).The "READ" instruction causes an error, if commeted out, program will loadin to sx. Will some one try to load this into an SX to see if they have the sametrouble? ·Thank youGordon·
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Wasn't aware my current version was out-dated. I'll upgrade it right away.
Thanks Again
Still no Luck.· Think I have most current version of SX software, dowloaded it in December.
This line
·· READ Digmap + digPntr, DigCtrl··············· ' select display element
in the code causes this error to be displayed...INVALID PARAMETER·"Digmap".
Any ideas or tips?
P.S. Why does my post format skip every other line?
SXB was updated AFTER the sx software was released. You need to download version 1.42.01 from this forum and replace the files in the C:\PROGRAM FILES\PARALLAX INC\SX-KEY 3.1\COMPILERS\SXB with the files in the zip you download.
This problem is corrected in the update.
"SX-Video·Module"·available from Parallax for only $28.95 http://www.parallax.com/detail.asp?product_id=30012
"SX-Video OSD module"·available from Parallax for only·$49.95 http://www.parallax.com/detail.asp?product_id=30015
Product web site: www.sxvm.com
Available now! Cheap 4-digit LED display with driver IC·www.hc4led.com
"I reject your reality, and substitute my own." Mythbusters
have made a dozen attempts. To tell the truth, I'm running out patience with this issue. After
running the update from the sticky post, I run the program, only to recieve a black screen(DOS style).
This screen says it needs a selected file to complie.
Any ideas? Perhaps someone else might have this trouble. I'm stuck.
"SX-Video·Module"·available from Parallax for only $28.95 http://www.parallax.com/detail.asp?product_id=30012
"SX-Video OSD module"·available from Parallax for only·$49.95 http://www.parallax.com/detail.asp?product_id=30015
Product web site: www.sxvm.com
Available now! Cheap 4-digit LED display with driver IC·www.hc4led.com
"I reject your reality, and substitute my own." Mythbusters
Download and unzip the attached file to this folder:
C:\Program Files\Parallax Inc\SX-Key v3.x\Compilers\SXB
(This assumes you've installed in the default program location)
· READ Digmap: + digPntr, DigCtrl
-- your version of the program has a colon (:) after "Digmap" and if you remove that the program will compile.
I've checked the original source on my computer and the colon is not present.· This must have just been a slip of the keyboard while examining the file.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
give copying the file and not running the .exe a go. Do you know if the lastest download
in·the download sections includes the lastest SX/B?
Jon, the ":" was something I added·after making several attempts at making the code work.
The version in my computer would not complie with or without the ":". Tried severeal time
without it. No luck.
Thanks·for your help
Ok, this isn't working. Copying the file to the one mentioned does change anything. Deleting the
orginal version and replacing it only make the SX software unusable.· How can I update the SX/B.
No matter what I try it still fails.· Will not accept update, will not complie code.
I'm at a lost here. What am I doing wrong?
Please help.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Decide to put my efforts into a new approach. Heres a work-around for the READ/DATA.
Segs = Blank ' blank segs
'READ DigMap + digPntr, DigCtrl ' select display element
if digPntr = 1 then dig1
if digPntr = 2 then dig2
if digPntr = 3 then dig3
if digPntr = 4 then dig4
Segs = display(digPntr) ' output new digit segs
then modified this piece of the code
DigCtrl = %11111110 ' digit select map
'DATA %11111110
goto workaround
DigCtrl = %11111101
'DATA %11111101
goto workaround
DigCtrl = %11111011
'DATA %11111011
goto workaround
DigCtrl = %11110111
'DATA %11110111
goto workaround
Code compiles, though believe the 4-segement-display might have a fewLEDs mis-wired.
Can see anyerrors/issuses this modifacition might cause?
Thanks for the tech support suggestion Jon. I give them a call after work tomorrow.
·· The offer still stands.· You have the option to go through the setup and updating of the SX/B with us here in Tech Support.· If you choose to do this I would recommend downloading the latest SX Key Editor software from our web page, and the file Jon asked you to download, and we will make sure everything is up to date, since it sounds like you're trying to find work-arounds.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Please take Chris up on his offer -- coding "work-arounds" because you don't have the lastest software installed is really not the best long-term answer and I fear it will lead to even greater frustration.
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax