Propeller Users: Order your USB2SER now before we are out!

Propeller fans,
You will be able to buy the P8X32A-D40 (DIP) chip before the Starter Kit is available. You will see in this thread that I have provided two drawings for connecting this chip to your serial port or USB port:
I don't know about you, but that serial port connection looks a bit tenuous to build. Therefore, I recommend that you buy the USB2SER in anticipation of getting a P8X32A-D40 chip. Why am I telling you this in advance? Because I'm certain we're going to run very low on these USB2SER tools and be in a backorder situation like no other. I see that we have a batch coming out of production in the next couple of days, so I strongly suggest you order yours today rather than getting in line later on:
Just trying to give you a bit of insight to avoid future headaches.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
You will be able to buy the P8X32A-D40 (DIP) chip before the Starter Kit is available. You will see in this thread that I have provided two drawings for connecting this chip to your serial port or USB port:
I don't know about you, but that serial port connection looks a bit tenuous to build. Therefore, I recommend that you buy the USB2SER in anticipation of getting a P8X32A-D40 chip. Why am I telling you this in advance? Because I'm certain we're going to run very low on these USB2SER tools and be in a backorder situation like no other. I see that we have a batch coming out of production in the next couple of days, so I strongly suggest you order yours today rather than getting in line later on:
Just trying to give you a bit of insight to avoid future headaches.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
"OEM NMEA GPS Module" Now available on ebay for only $17.49
I'll email Ron at RTN and order it through him immediately, can you please put one aside for me now.
Chris Anderson
Western Australia
Okay, done. It's on Paul's desk. By the way, I gave Ron some DIP chips in Holland which were intended for you. Be sure he hands them over!
- Ken
Yes, the dips were sent end of last week, and i should have them by Tuesday. Ron emailed me the editor and some basic stuff. Sincere thanks for allowing and doing that.
I have been reading as much as I can to get a bit of a feel for it all, and I am keen to see the official Parallax tutorials and examples. I'm sure that a lot of effort is going in to making it easy to get into for people like me (who think that being able to do·stuff with·stamps is a huge acheivement)·.
I think the hardest thing to get a grip on is all of this passing of variables, and how that relates to where the variables and memory sections·are located, global, local, hub memory etc, but as said, I think you guys will clear heaps of that up in the coming tutorials etc.
However, after having played with assembly with a product we used to make using sx18's, I think the Propeller assembly language looks acheivable for me, for use in our basic pulse counting and calibration routines, but I will be relying on objects written by more advanced people for our serial, i2c and 1wire stuff.
I am looking forward to every minute of it.
6+6=10 (Long live the duodecimal system)
OS-X: because making Unix user-friendly was easier than debugging Windows
Not a lame question by any means. I think you'd have to kluge the signals from that chip to the Propeller, but I doubt it's easy to do since we've used SMT parts on the Professional Development Board. Simple solution - if you want to program Propellers outside of the Propeller Demo Board you will need the USB2SER. If you wait, you'll be able to get the whole Starter Kit when it is available.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
The Mouser product number is 619-28024.
Jamie C. Pole
Principal Consultant
J.C. Pole & Associates, Inc.
Thanks for the 'heads up' on the USB2SER! Received mine today from Mouser.
Thanks Again,
Maybe when the Propeller shows up I'll drive down the hill and pick it up in person (I live in Nevada City).
OS-X: because making Unix user-friendly was easier than debugging Windows
·· but! I just found this :···· at Saelig,nice! it is a USB v2.0 built onto the BOTTOM of the socket!
·· looks like it will plug directly into a test board!
·· Tit for tat! you might like this one!
·· Cheers !·· Dennis