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DCE RS-232 appMOD ?? — Parallax Forums

DCE RS-232 appMOD ??

Sabre3487Sabre3487 Posts: 16
edited 2006-03-31 17:36 in BASIC Stamp
· I am having trouble with a BS2p40 and the data sent using SEROUT.· I am utilizing a few programs to check the serout information.· Here is what I am doing.· I have a basic stamp that all I want to do is send a byte of information to a Visual program.· I used the software that is downloadable with the dce appMod kit with a javelin stamp and everything is fine. I send a 2 and the VB program recognizes a 2.

Now with the BS2p40 I send a 2. and the VB program recieves like 249, forgot the exact number it is not in front of me.· I am not sure why, but I think it has to due with the BS2p and what is exactly being sent, is it the ascii value of 2 or is it in hex.· The code that comes with· the Java stamp, (i am a java guy but need to use BS2p) has set up UART class that handle everything all I do is specify what I am sending.· The code that comes with the appmod is similar but the data is getting converted or sent differently.



  • Sabre3487Sabre3487 Posts: 16
    edited 2006-03-31 06:42
    Never mind I should just kick my self, I guess I am tired, I just had the wrong constant for the baud rate for the BS2p!!! duh
  • stamptrolstamptrol Posts: 1,731
    edited 2006-03-31 17:36

    The best part is, you'll probably never have the same problem again!

    There's nothing like working through a problem to a successful conclusion.

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