Is the propeller multitask or a 8 tasks microcontroller ?
Only to know :
Is the propeller multitask or a 8 tasks microcontroller ?
( In other words, Do you know if each internal proccesor could manage more than one task ? )
Only to know :
Is the propeller multitask or a 8 tasks microcontroller ?
( In other words, Do you know if each internal proccesor could manage more than one task ? )

Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Chip Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
Then the propeller is a 8 task micro using Spin language
more than 8 task using Assembly Language ( is this ok? ) .
Sorry, my english is not good and I don't know the meaning of COG.
Thanks, Joe
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Cogs are processors, and there are eight (8) of them in Propeller. You have eight cogs to use as you see fit, which all run concurrently and access the same I/O pins on Propeller. Additionally, depending on your needs, you can multi-task within a single cog using Spin or assembly language. Objects are Spin/ASM files. You can launch many objects from a single cog. It all depends on what you want to do and how you design your program to use Propeller's hardware.
Hopefully this helps clarify a bit. Keep asking questions.
Ken Gracey
Parallax, Inc.