connect a cell phone to bs2
I want to connect a cell phone to a BS2 module for receiving SMS,
extracting user·command from it and then sending a SMS back. could
you please provide me adbice about the following:
1. do I need any special type of cell phone?
2. can I use a serial RS-232 datacble to coonect to the BS2.
3. if I have to use a datacable, which pin of the D-pin should be
·· connected to sin pin and which should be connected to sout pin of BS2
4. How do Receive/transmit the SMS it using the BS2. do I have to use AT
·· commands for this.
I would be obliged if someone could please suggest me about the above.
I want to connect a cell phone to a BS2 module for receiving SMS,
extracting user·command from it and then sending a SMS back. could
you please provide me adbice about the following:
1. do I need any special type of cell phone?
2. can I use a serial RS-232 datacble to coonect to the BS2.
3. if I have to use a datacable, which pin of the D-pin should be
·· connected to sin pin and which should be connected to sout pin of BS2
4. How do Receive/transmit the SMS it using the BS2. do I have to use AT
·· commands for this.
I would be obliged if someone could please suggest me about the above.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 3/30/2006 4:20:52 PM GMT
Go to They have even better toys.
This may not directly support SMS communicatons, but it has a lot of useful application opportunities.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Post Edited (Kramer) : 3/31/2006 6:58:34 AM GMT
i would like to purchase a cheap (<$50) GPS module to be used with
my BS2. could you please suggest me of some online stores where I could
purchase it.