Prop voltages process
I'm just curious, as I am a into chip design
What process is the Propellor chip made on? I am wondering in general, and also am wondering as it relates to running 5V on a 3.3V part.
What process is the Propellor chip made on? I am wondering in general, and also am wondering as it relates to running 5V on a 3.3V part.
I think if you search a little, you will find that the Propellor has been 'accidentally' used with 5volt and that there is some belief that only a resistor may be needed for mating 5v to 3.3v.
Regarding process, I personally don't know. In last day or two, it seems like everyone 'in the know' on the Propeller forum has stopped posting. I suspect it is 'crunch time' in order to get all the documentation and programing pulled together.
So..... please stay tuned.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Post Edited (Kramer) : 3/26/2006 3:21:27 PM GMT
The current Propeller CMOS Process is 0.35um.
As far as 5V inputs to the Propeller, a 1K to 10K current limiting resistor has been used without any ill effects.
Beau Schwabe
IC Layout Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
On a different note, I didn't know the first Ubicom IP2000 parts ~120 MIPS spec was actually an EFFECTIVE number from all the different threads. I guess I never looked at the parts in detail. Lame.
What I'd rather like to see is just a single-thread fully deterministic true 100 MIPS processor, but with a real instruction set, etc (inlike an SX)