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sharing I/O pins — Parallax Forums

sharing I/O pins

Richard D.Richard D. Posts: 14
edited 2006-03-25 05:04 in BASIC Stamp
I simply questionI have and I'am sure it has been asked and answer before. But I have been pulling way to many late nights and my brian is just about at the point of toast, and sitting down with my BS2 and boe- bot and few other projects well they give some peace and down time to let the dogs stop barking in my head(LOL).

The problem is I need to share one I/O pin 0&1 to be exact with two each or perhaps three each input signals. Now I know that there is a chip/gate that can be used so If I call for a high or low on another pin say 5 to switch the gate or chip as to which singal is coming to pin 0&1. So I ask how would you guys go about doing this. And the reason for pin 0&1 is I'am going to be using a pair of srf-04 to bring in stero vision I have done this with other ultra sonic units but I got my hands on more than a few SRF-04's and since they real want to be pin 0 and 1 for input and output and need to do this. And it is high time they got put to use.

Thank you for any help indavance, time to lay my head down while data base grinds away....

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