boe-bot vs. cba
what is better. the boe-bot or the cba.for those who are woundering that is the cba, go to·
Post Edited (superworms) : 3/22/2006 12:30:28 AM GMT

Post Edited (superworms) : 3/22/2006 12:30:28 AM GMT
from a cost perspective, it looks like a good deal.
from a value perspecive, you need to factor in post-purchase support, which Parallax can not be surpassed.
If you are just starting out, having the the post-purchase support can be worth more than anything, so for a beginner, I would go with Parallax.
- Rick
Note, however, that the CBA robot kit·is quite different to the BOE-BOT kit. The CBA robot is a kit of PCB, components·and parts to build a robot with soldering. The Stamp itself·(either a BS2e or a BS2sx) is built from the OEM chips on the board. The finished robot is similar to the BOE-Bot with a breadboard area and an AppMod compatible connector.
As I like a construction/soldering project, I was attracted to this cost-effective addition to the Stamp robot range. It will complement my BOE-Bots, StampBug2, Predko (Evil Genius) robot board and Sumovore with BS2 Brainboard. Apart from the now unfortunately obsolete hexapod StampBug (see my other post), these are essentially similar differential drive wheeled bots. I have yet to move on the Advanced Robotics with the walking Toddler. Stamp stuff is pretty pricey in the UK with mark-ups by importers and hefty import duty on internet purchases from the US·(How I envy those living·in the US, with such a range of suppliers and robot meetings!!)
I should be interested in hearing of the types and range of robots that others have tried. Any (wealthy)·owners of expanded Hexcrawlers?
Isle of Man, British Isles
It's interesting, check out there weel encoders, only $22.00.··· -SciTech02.
Post Edited (SciTech02) : 4/10/2006 4:06:26 AM GMT
Think 'open arcitecture' and how are you going to add on any dream that comes to mind.
I have a very sophisticated competitor's bot with servos, IR, and more.·
But, it has never allowed me to easily add ANYTHING to it.
Therein is a big part of the value.
I have been wondering lately if I should find a Tool and Die maker and produce a larger and heavier version of the BOEbot chassis that can use available Gearhead motors, bigger wheels and heavier payload.
The concept is nearly impossible to improve on in any other way.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
I have ordered one, with the the parts kit that goes with the book, so I will report my experience with·ARobot·at a later date.
These other robots that use the BS2 and other·Parallax Basic Stamps as controllers complement the Boe-Bot and Parallax's own teaching resources. To use any of the other robots properly it is still useful, often essential, to have undertaken the 'Robotics with the Boe-Bot' course.
I agree that the Boe-Bot design is a very good solid design that allows a great deal of add-on modules to be used (I have several)·but I think that these other robots have their own virtues as platforms for experimentation and development and each robot offers its own challenges for Stamp enthusiasts.
Isle of Man, British Isles
Short of it is, the Arrick Arobot is a good platform to start and carry out a lot of experimentation and expansion.