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conecting a basic stamp 1 to a serial port — Parallax Forums

conecting a basic stamp 1 to a serial port

neo_x3mneo_x3m Posts: 3
edited 2006-03-20 02:52 in BASIC Stamp
··· hy······ end now my problem· :· i bougt a basic stamp 1 but no serial port adaptor
······ i want to create my own adaptor.
······ but i don't understand where goes pin number 1 and 6 of the serial adapter and what is VSS?
·if you kan help me pls send a masege to
· my question refers to the pictur e bilow

Post Edited By Moderator (Chris Savage (Parallax)) : 3/20/2006 2:50:38 AM GMT
621 x 372 - 27K


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