Standard servo connector.
I see now that my standard servo connector does not fit into
the Board Of Educations servo port.· Should I modify it, or just
put some headers on the development board and let that be that.·
Thanks guys!
From···· ·Northwest· ·· Indiana-
Where·· the · introverts · stare
at··· there·· ·shoes··· and·· the
extroverts stare at your shoes!
the Board Of Educations servo port.· Should I modify it, or just
put some headers on the development board and let that be that.·
Thanks guys!

From···· ·Northwest· ·· Indiana-
Where·· the · introverts · stare
at··· there·· ·shoes··· and·· the
extroverts stare at your shoes!
I'd have to suspect that you're not using Futaba servos? If that's the case, you may want to purchase a few Futaba servo extensions, and a few servo extensions for the type that you're using, and make up a batch of adapter cords. That's probably the easiest way to address the problem. If you need a source, just shout.
I don't have a BOE board, so I'm just presuming they have a Futaba plug configuration. I'm sure someone will correct this thought, if I'm wrong.
Bruce Bates
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From···· ·Northwest· ·· Indiana-
Where·· the · introverts · stare
at··· there·· ·shoes··· and·· the
extroverts stare at your shoes!
· ········