74hc595 Shift Register and current per pin...
Posts: 561
I'm controlling 16 LEDs with two 74hc595 shift register and I'm trying to figure out the safe current per LED...
Reading datasheets in general is new to me so I wonder if I got this correct...
My datasheet (http://www.st.com/stonline/books/pdf/docs/1989.pdf) says Io=35mA (Output current per pin I guess).
But Icc=70mA (Since Vcc is input voltage, I guess Icc is max current) which give me 70mA/8 = 8.75mA per pin if all pins go high...
I don't have any specifications on my LEDs but they are red and I think I saw that the voltage drop is 2V somewhere...
So if I'm using 5V, the voltage over my resistor in series with the LED would be 3 V and therefore it should be 3/0.00875 = 340 ohm...
Did I get this correct ???
Reading datasheets in general is new to me so I wonder if I got this correct...
My datasheet (http://www.st.com/stonline/books/pdf/docs/1989.pdf) says Io=35mA (Output current per pin I guess).
But Icc=70mA (Since Vcc is input voltage, I guess Icc is max current) which give me 70mA/8 = 8.75mA per pin if all pins go high...
I don't have any specifications on my LEDs but they are red and I think I saw that the voltage drop is 2V somewhere...
So if I'm using 5V, the voltage over my resistor in series with the LED would be 3 V and therefore it should be 3/0.00875 = 340 ohm...
Did I get this correct ???
· So, if you want to honk current, then you should drive your LEDs through a transistor buffer.· Or you can live on the edge.· It's only when they're all on that you're pushing the envelope.· All Things Must Pass.
· That's how I see it.
Sid Weaver
Do you have a Stamp Tester yet?
The whole idea with this project is a "Button masher" game for two players. Each player have 15 LEDs to light up.·First to 15 LEDs winns, you work against each other·so the idea is to get 15 pushes more than your opponent...
The 5:th, 10:th and 15:th LED will be replaced with a lamp through a ULN2803 and the 16:th LED will be a fancy tower light and bell like on a slot machine. I probably·need a relay for that one...
So there will be two units of 16 LEDs so to say...
Thanx for your help...
There are other 'high power' shift registers out there. Much higher. Google is your friend.
With all the LED devices around today, the manufacturers have combined functions to reduce chip count.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
A lamp would be viewable from a bigger angle and it just looks better...
So the plan is now to keep the shift registers and buffer them with ULN2803 or similar...
The other benefits are that I can connect a 12V car battery through ULN2803 and if I need more than 500mA, I could use two of the arrays to get a full amp...
I got some of the lamps (12V, 60mA) and it looks and works great, the ULN2803 does get warm after 5 minutes but not really hot.
However I already have a bunch of LED's and if I can get them to look as good as the lamps that would save me a few bucks...
Thanks everybody...
the tpic series shift registers from TI are goooood. i use em alot for driving relays and LEDS
TPIC6C595N et al
engineer, fireman, bowler, father, WoW addict [noparse];)[/noparse]
I'm still going with the Lights though, they just looks cooler...
The TPIC6C595N looks awesome, I saw that Digikey have them for a buck each, I'll definitly order some later this week...
Thanks for the tips...