Propeller and TCP/IP

Does anyone know whether the Propeller can be easily interfaced to 10baseT and do TCP/IP?
Does anyone know whether the Propeller can be easily interfaced to 10baseT and do TCP/IP?
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Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
Ryan Clarke
Parallax Tech Support
How many pins and what external circuitry would be needed to connect directly to the RJ45 socket?
Just copy the SX52 TCP/IP code and modify a bit, right?
Post Edited (william chan) : 3/18/2006 1:21:03 AM GMT
If I was doing something like this, I would use the ENC28J60 ethernet controller from microchip.· This chip has a 8kbyte buffer and a spi interface.· Microchip also has an excelent C tcp/ip stack that may be portable to spin with some work.
The impedence matching just requires proper design, I remember seeing a RJ45 connector that had the transformer built in, but can't remember where. All the other stuff is just a matter of programming, and you have 8 processors each which can handle its own layer of the communication.
Post Edited (Paul Baker) : 3/18/2006 3:59:47 AM GMT
At 10Mb/s, and the need to buffer up to 1500Bytes(or so) I just can't see how the Propeller can do it.
Using Spin is too slow, really, and the need to use the HUB RAM for buffering will make it difficult to solve in Assembler, too.
Maybe by using two COGs in tandem? both reading the first few Bytes, then one starts analyzing while the other just discards the header and continues capturing until it either reaches the end and the data can be transferred to HUB RAM for processing by other COGs, or the other COG tells it to 'stop and flush' as the package is for another machine.
TCP/IP over a serial link (PPP or whatever), is another matter, as the data arrives so slowly that you can analyze packet-headers in realtime, and THEN decide whether or not to receive the packet body.
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Ryan Clarke
Parallax Tech Support
At that point, you get a nice 4-bit clocked interface for each of transmit and receive - at 10Mbit, that's a leisurely 2.5MHz clock rate. Definitely far easier than bolting Propeller pins up to the magnetics directly, and PHYs are a small number of dollars. (sub-one, in quantity).
Teridian 78Q2123 get my vote at the moment, but they're a bit small for homebrew. There are loads of candidates, though. At that point, you 'just' have to write the rest of the stack, but at least the symbols are slower and trustable...
(That ENC28J60 makes more sense when attahced to a micro that absolutely _couldn't_ do Ether itself, where you're listening for specific packets on the net, that you can use the on-chip filtering to discard all others...), or when you kust want to send status packets from time to time.
(Also, if someone writes a driver for a phy, it opens up the crazy world of powerline and cable TV data transmission, since some of those chips present MII interfaces)
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket