Upgrade in reliable controller use
The concept of having many processors on one chip could lead toward a system design that yields a high reliability by utilizing a redundancy setup on the cog ports. As an example four cog ports could be connected to seperate sensors in the same measurement location. The logic here would be to accept for control purposes only, at least, two sensor outputs that have nearly the same output. Cog ports operating outside acceptable sensor outputs may be shutdown if sensor failture is suspected with a reduction in processor power. All of this is being done on one chip instead of several single type processor chips which has the advantage of being more reliable for control. Am I right here?
The chip logic programming ability vs reliabilty of the controller is often not discussed. Thanks for answering.
I don't know, maybe I'm missing your point, Chuck?
Tracy Allen
The question is -·does the cog concept on the Propeller chip provide a better system reliability? It does only if less chips are needed to do the same job.