Day active Boe-Bot
Here's something I came up with to add a creature like characteristic to my boe bot. My plan was to make the Boe-Bot avoid both objects and ledges. In addition, the Boe-Bot is also day active, and will go to sleep if it becomes dark. The definition of "dark" is determined by the boe bot alone. If his light sensor tells him it is dark, he will enter sleep mode, until someone switches on the light.
Because the Boe-Bot independently defines "dark" himself, you only have or can adjust the time he takes to define daylight. This is the constant called "updatetime".
Here's the code (With lots of comments
Try it out, but adjust the angle of your IR sensors on a flat surface, by using the DEBUG MENU before running the boe bot. (IR sensors are tilted downwards about 20-30 degrees)
Because the Boe-Bot independently defines "dark" himself, you only have or can adjust the time he takes to define daylight. This is the constant called "updatetime".
Here's the code (With lots of comments

' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} 'BREADBOARDING INFO (README): '2 IR sets and one lightsensor with capacitator (Comes with default Boe-Bot Kit) 'Light Sensor connected to P6 (with capacitator) 'Right IR LED connected to P2 and Left IR LED connected to P8 'Bend the two IR LEDs down, so they face the floor and use DEBUG MENU for adjustment 'Right IR reciever connected to P0 and Left IR reciever connected to P9 'Piezo speaker connected to P4 'NOTE: check "Robotics with the Boe-Bot" for resistor and other configurations of sensors! '----UPDATE HISTORY:---- 'V2.5 + robot takes nap, if it finds a dark area after update 'V2.3 + robot finds the relative darkest area after wandering around X seconds(updatetime) 'V2.0 + light sensor(1) -- searches for darkest spot 'V1.0 IR sensors(2) -- Avoids objects and ledges updatetime CON 30 '<--- time the robot takes to decide what darkest area is. Feel free to change floorL VAR Word floorR VAR Word objL VAR Word objR VAR Word pulse VAR Byte light VAR Word darkest VAR Word counter VAR Word DEBUG "LEFT RIGHT", CR, "Object sensors (0=object, 1=no object)" DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 3, "Floor Sensors (0=ground, 1=no ground)" DEBUG CRSRXY, 0,5, "Light Sensor: " FREQOUT 4,200,4000 'Start up sound... PAUSE 1000 FREQOUT 4,300,4000 PAUSE 1000 FREQOUT 4,1500,4000 DO FREQOUT 8,1,37500 floorL=IN9 FREQOUT 2,1,37500 floorR=IN0 FREQOUT 8,1,43000 objL=IN9 FREQOUT 2,1,43000 objR=IN0 HIGH 6 PAUSE 2 RCTIME 6,1,light DEBUG CRSRXY, 2, 2, DEC1 objL, CRSRXY, 9, 2, DEC1 objR, CRSRXY, 2, 4, DEC1 floorL, CRSRXY, 9, 4, DEC1 floorR,CR, CRSRXY, 15,5, DEC3 light, "...where 0 is very bright" , CRSRXY, 2, 6, "...Darkest Area found: ", DEC3 darkest , CRSRXY, 0, 7, "Counter: ", DEC3 counter, "/", DEC3 updatetime ' 0 is contact, 1 is no contact IF ((counter<updatetime) OR (darkest>light)) THEN 'logic is opposite GOSUB update IF ((floorL = 1 AND floorR = 1) OR (objL = 0 AND objR = 0) OR (objL = 0 AND floorR = 1) OR (floorL = 1 AND objR = 0)) THEN GOSUB back GOSUB left GOSUB left ELSEIF (floorR = 1 OR objR = 0) THEN GOSUB left ELSEIF (floorL = 1 OR objL = 0) THEN GOSUB right ELSE GOSUB foward ENDIF ELSE SLEEP 1 'after those X seconds, robot will stop if he finds anything darker and takes a "nap" ENDIF '...until woken up by light LOOP 'SUBroutine Functions foward: FOR pulse = 0 TO 5 PULSOUT 12, 850 PULSOUT 13, 650 PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN back: FOR pulse = 0 TO 20 PULSOUT 12, 650 PULSOUT 13, 850 PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN left: FOR pulse = 0 TO 5 PULSOUT 13, 650 PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN right: FOR pulse = 0 TO 5 PULSOUT 12, 850 PAUSE 20 NEXT RETURN update: 'counstantly updates definition of darkest area for X (updatetime) seconds IF (counter<updatetime) THEN IF(light>darkest) THEN darkest=light ELSE darkest=darkest ENDIF counter=counter+1 PAUSE 100 ELSE counter=updatetime ENDIF RETURN
Try it out, but adjust the angle of your IR sensors on a flat surface, by using the DEBUG MENU before running the boe bot. (IR sensors are tilted downwards about 20-30 degrees)
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
I would also appreciate some more feedback...