Basic questions.
Hello All, just a few more queries that may help some of us basic users ...
1- Can·a·Propeller program be in a combination of spin code and assembly code ?
2- Can objects be·programmed in Spin, or·only assembly ?
3-·What is the performance downside of Spin compared to Assembly ?
4-·At 80 Mhz in Spin language, roughly how many instructions per second can be executed ?
5- Does the editor have an Eeprom (RAM) map ?
-·Am I correct in thinking...
- All of the variable and program space is on the 32kByte Eeprom.
- The more variables I declare, the less program space I will have, and vice - versa.
- The program on the Eeprom·is copied completely into the Prop RAM at power up.
- If the Eeprom is removed without a battery backup, the Prop will still run correctly until powered off.
- If the program and variables are say, only 3K in total, I can use the other 29K for data storage, plus add another 7 x 24LC256 for another 224 Kbyte data space.
- If I have an object that is used to calculate Eg: Miles per gallon, I only need that in the program once and I can call that object from any cogs I have running, simultaneously.
- If the item above is true, is it also·the same·for a Sub (label or whatever you want to call it), or just for Objects ?
- I can change the clock speed to as slow as possible while the system is idle, then following some·event or condition, I can wind the speed up for the time needed, and drop it down again when finished.
Chris Anderson
West Oz.
1- Can·a·Propeller program be in a combination of spin code and assembly code ?
2- Can objects be·programmed in Spin, or·only assembly ?
3-·What is the performance downside of Spin compared to Assembly ?
4-·At 80 Mhz in Spin language, roughly how many instructions per second can be executed ?
5- Does the editor have an Eeprom (RAM) map ?
-·Am I correct in thinking...
- All of the variable and program space is on the 32kByte Eeprom.
- The more variables I declare, the less program space I will have, and vice - versa.
- The program on the Eeprom·is copied completely into the Prop RAM at power up.
- If the Eeprom is removed without a battery backup, the Prop will still run correctly until powered off.
- If the program and variables are say, only 3K in total, I can use the other 29K for data storage, plus add another 7 x 24LC256 for another 224 Kbyte data space.
- If I have an object that is used to calculate Eg: Miles per gallon, I only need that in the program once and I can call that object from any cogs I have running, simultaneously.
- If the item above is true, is it also·the same·for a Sub (label or whatever you want to call it), or just for Objects ?
- I can change the clock speed to as slow as possible while the system is idle, then following some·event or condition, I can wind the speed up for the time needed, and drop it down again when finished.
Chris Anderson
West Oz.
Chip Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
I have noticed on their site that they have FRAMS which include fast memory, a RTC, two counters, low power id, etc. in one serial interface
Seems like a great add-on for the Propeller.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Is that when using a single COG?
Almost twice as fast as the BS2px if it was running at the same clock, then?
(A BS2px does 19K with a 32MHz clock)
I guess that speaks volumes about the efficency of the interpreter.
Don't visit my new website...
West Oz.
Kramer, the eeprom reading routine is in firmware, so attaching an FRAM wouldn't affect the loading speed.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
It seems silly to be 'lusting for hardware', but this particular Ramtron chip really got my attention. It just seems a natural fit.
It is in the 'Processor Companion Family'. The FM31256 to be more exact.
So many of the right features together. There are a few that I will never use, but just the RTC and fast RAM @ 256K is enough.
I can easily understand that the firmware many have to be more generic and support slower writes from other EEPROM.
Am I correct in thinking this FRAM might be used to accumulate data? [noparse][[/noparse]not just store program instructions]
I asked for free samples and the Taiwanese Ramtron representative called me, but I haven't had the courage to call him back and tell him I only want a few to play with.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Post Edited (Kramer) : 3/12/2006 7:41:39 AM GMT
I asked above...
- If the program and variables are say, only 3K in total, I can use the other 29K for data storage, plus add another 7 x 24LC256 for another 224 Kbyte data space.
Chip replied with...
Yes. You could also begin with a 128k byte EEPROM.
I'm not sure on this.
Is it meaning that the Prop can use a 128K instead of a 32K Eeprom for the prop code, and I can use the rest of the space for data ?
West Oz.
I have taken it that the prop needs to have
Who says you have to have knowledge to use it?
I've killed a fly with my bare mind.
Are the 128 K Eeproms able to be daisy chained to 4 or 8 devices ?
The Microchip 24LC1025 has addresses A0 and A1 available to support 4 chips on one I2C buss, for a total of 512 kbytes. However, the Atmel part, 24C1025, only has A0 so can only support one additional chip on the buss.
The FM31256 memory is 32k by 8 (256kbits), and the memory part in all respects seems to follow the same protocol as the 24LC256, so it should work fine. It has address lines A0 and A1 active for 4 devices with that slave ID on one I2C buss. The memory and the companion functions have separate slave addresses.
Eeproms have 64 or 128 byte pages that can be written as a block. Using that capability speeds things up immensely.
Tracy Allen
By writing back to the EEPROM at the same address of a variable (@varname), you can make any variable non-volatile. Next time you boot, that re-written value will be loaded instead of the default 0.
Chip Gracey
Parallax, Inc.
And if so, the FRAM may again be superior [noparse][[/noparse]because of nearly unlimited writes].
Others that have used more generic EEPROM for persistent variables have had to be very careful not to program these into looped writes as you can easily loop over the 1,000,000 10,000 [noparse][[/noparse]pls. forgive the significantly low number, Mircochip's 25lc256 claims 1 million erase/write cycles] or so write limit.
At that point, you being to have 'dead addresses' in your EEPROM [noparse][[/noparse]simply worn out from excessive writes].
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Post Edited (Kramer) : 3/14/2006 4:01:07 PM GMT
Are the objects currently being designed take into account the CURRENT clock speed for speed sensitive functions.
It would appear that someone could get real "hung up" if something were to change the clock speed enough at the wrong time.
If you were designing objects that are "timing sensitive", then that object would have a need to read the current clock speed, and
then adjust it's contants (no longer constants), it uses for timing.
It would either be that or, read the speed, set to a known speed, do the function, the return the speed.
Either way you approch it, Objects that rely on clock speed need to be 'speed' awair, right?
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
True, changing the speed from one cog, while another is in the middle of an operation, such as a count based on time, would lead to error. It would take some coding by the developer to ensure this would be taken into account, such as maybe a shared flag that is set prior to performing a time critical operation and the other cog waiting until that flag is clear.
Martin Hebel
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I could see the programmer being responsible for determining the chip's speed, and then the objects use the current speed to adjust them selves, as that would lead to the least problematic approch to the issue.
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
waitcnt(clkfreq/5 + cnt) ' delay a little while, independent of clock.
So the number of counts delay is exactly proportional to clock speed. The RC clocks, 12 megahertz and 20khertz have quite a large tolerance range, so they cannot be used for time-critical tasks, except through a ratiometric scheme.
I don't see it as being a big issue, having to change clock speeds for one cog while another is in the middle of a time-critical routine. Usually changing gears will be a system level, global function that will be carried out by a high level supervisory routine. But who knows what will come up. A cog could enter a routine and store the current value of clkfreq, then check to see that it is the same when the routine finishes, if not, then, redo.
Tracy Allen
This was a very confusing point to me, at first. You miight be used to other languages and compilers, like SX/B, for example, where assembly code is linked in line with code from the higher level language. In Propeller, it works differently. An individual cog runs either the spin interpreter or your application assembly code. Once booted up by a Spin command, the assembly program can run completely on its own in a cog, with no connection to anything going on in the other cogs, or, it can use the pointers that it receives when it starts up to connect to the other cogs to provide services or methods by passing data back and forth through the hub or through the i/o pins. The Spin code that starts it up assigns it the buffer space and pointers and those can be global to cogs started within its parent object.
The spin interpreter itself is a machine language program that occupies every single byte in the cog (or several instances of it in multiple cogs), and we have to be amazed how Chip and Jeff fit it all that functionality in there. How much can you do with 512 bytes? Well, that shows that you can do a lot. The Spin interpreter interprets code that resides in the main ram, so several cogs can share the methods and the data space there.
Tracy Allen