I posted a while ago about my animatronic costume using a parallax basic stamp,
I've been happy with it, and so I upgraded it to use a PSC serial·as well.. and I"m going to be going to a convention to wear it in june (with roughly 2400 people) and would like to take some Parallax flyers and info along to give away, since I Like your hardware a lot, is there anything such available. (free advertizing with people wanting to start animatronics)
please contact me if you want. if I had the money I'd take some PSC and basic stamps to sell.. but I don't
please contact me if you want. if I had the money I'd take some PSC and basic stamps to sell.. but I don't
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
You lucky b@@@@rd...
(I want to go, too, but the cost of a cross-atlantic flight and all that... )
Don't visit my new website...
It was fun last year, and I did make a nice short video that was posted under the other post. but here it is again.
1.3 meg in size.
We had roughly 2400 people. and 150 costume wearing nuts, which I am proud to be one of. [noparse]:)[/noparse] we even had a panel there that someone held, with hands on take home stuff. He had enough stuff along to allow people to make some ears that moved! had like enough for 50 sets. that was a fun panel.
it's a nice 5 hour drive for me this year in stead of 2 hours..
Keep talking [noparse]:)[/noparse]
·I really enjoy parallax products.
No animatronics in my costume. just pure metal. (chain maille)
Don't visit my new website...