Propeller Hardware
Ok, we all know the Propeller chip is revolutionary in a number of areas.· Some of which include code, required hardware to access various features and the like.· To provide for the best “Launch” of the system, various things will be needed for the hobbyist to access, and use some of these features.
On more then one post, someone started posting some of the things we would need to use the ‘Propeller’ development system.· I, for one, would like to see if a consolidated list of required things could be created.· So far, this is what I have, and if anyone can see something missing, or something that’s not needed, please let me know.
Dev board· ··········· Hopefully with, or without the chip
Dev software··········· Already stated it’s free for download when the product is released.
USB2SER· ··········· I seem to recall this was a required item.
Low cost extras?
I guess I might also be ‘fishing’ to see if the powers that be will offer a ‘complete starter package’ with most of everything needed to get into and start developing with the new chip, and a ‘goodies’ package to complete the starters ‘voyage’ into the propeller chip.
Hmmm, maybe the first, say 100 orders receive a free goodies bag??· Well, it’s a thought.· Anyway, no matter how the powers do it, I’m sure it will be a great deal.
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
On more then one post, someone started posting some of the things we would need to use the ‘Propeller’ development system.· I, for one, would like to see if a consolidated list of required things could be created.· So far, this is what I have, and if anyone can see something missing, or something that’s not needed, please let me know.
Dev board· ··········· Hopefully with, or without the chip
Dev software··········· Already stated it’s free for download when the product is released.
USB2SER· ··········· I seem to recall this was a required item.
Low cost extras?
I guess I might also be ‘fishing’ to see if the powers that be will offer a ‘complete starter package’ with most of everything needed to get into and start developing with the new chip, and a ‘goodies’ package to complete the starters ‘voyage’ into the propeller chip.
Hmmm, maybe the first, say 100 orders receive a free goodies bag??· Well, it’s a thought.· Anyway, no matter how the powers do it, I’m sure it will be a great deal.
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
- The Controller
- External EEPROM (sorry, don't have exact part number suggested)
- External Crystal·if desired (12Mhz RC Internal)
- 3.3V Regulator
- A means for serial communication, either RS-232 conditioned properly or USB2SER
Recommened for toys:
Various resistors and capacitors for:
- Connecting a PC keyboard
- Driving audio
- Driving VGA
- Driving TV Video
Sorry, I don't seem to have an electronic copy of the Demo board, or I'd post that and you'd see all there is to it, which if you get the demo board, all you need is the external toys.
Martin Hebel
Perform an Employer's Survey of Electronic Technologies Graduates· - Click here!
Personal Links with plenty of BASIC Stamp info
and SelmaWare Solutions - StampPlot - Graphical Data Acquisition and Control
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Dev board...
Power supply...
EEProm (24lc256)
Hardware for a VGA monitor ?
I've a small assortment of leds, reisters and cap's, a few pots...
Oh, and thanks all!
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
Jon Williams
Applications Engineer, Parallax
Well, now all to do is to wait the 2 ~ 6 weeks [noparse]:)[/noparse] !
I just can't wait...
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket