Gripper questions
Hello,· I'm interested in getting the gripper kit for my robot.· First, I have the PING))) Ultrasonic senser and mounting bracket for it, and I wanted to see some ideas on how to have the gripper and the mounting bracket on at the same time?· The other is what can I do with the gripper, I saw that it could play fetch but it was very vague on it.· Any help will be great.···························· -SciTech02.
Post Edited (SciTech02) : 3/7/2006 8:56:12 PM GMT
Post Edited (SciTech02) : 3/7/2006 8:56:12 PM GMT
Try - they sell various grippers and servo kits & brackets.
I think "fetch" is a bit more realistic project since the target is stationary.· I think you still need some rather sophisticated sensors to even do this... I would think that a CMUCam would be a good sensor for this application... the CMUCam can track a specific color, so for example, you could use a small, soft, bright red ball.· You could then use the CMUCam to locate the object and move to it... then I think you would need mechanical switches as bumpers (or feelers) to help position the robot so that it can pick up the ball.· Then it is just a matter of running a pre-defined routine to open the jaws, move in a pre-defined amount, close the grippers and raise up the gripper.
I don't think that IR or Sonar types of sensors will have the accuracy you will require...
WARNING: The following recommendation may result in a very ADDICTIVE hobby, and cause HUGE sums of money to be spent, and EXTENSIVE amounts of time to be expended!
Punch any of the following into Google and check the results:
Soccer Bots or soccer robots or RoboCup
Here is one place to start:
Just don't blame me if it gets completely out of hand!
Bruce Bates
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Post Edited (Bruce Bates) : 3/9/2006 2:32:50 PM GMT
P.S Bruce Bates, I know, this hobby is very addictive, and·very expensive.· Have you seen the new ROBONOVA?··It's over $1,000!
·········· -SciTech02.
P.S·I'd kind of like to see what other people have done with there grippers.··So if Zax or anyone else has a gripper, please show us what you have done.
Post Edited (SciTech02) : 3/9/2006 6:12:08 PM GMT
This particular gripper is relatively new in the Parallax line, so I don't know how many there are in the field. I may be undersestimating their popularity however, as there was a significant reduction in price with the announcement of this new grippr.
I wish I could offer more information on the following, but it has temporarily prevented me from ordering a gripper for my BOE-Bot. The Parallax Gripper, and I think it's the Parallax Tank Tread kit are mutually exclusive, if i remember correctly. You can use either one of them, but not both of them together. When I get the time, I may work on that compatability problem, but at present I have the tank treads, so I'm holding off on the gripper.
Bruce Bates
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