Problems getting started with USB Board of Education and Basic Stamp 2
Tom Trautz
Posts: 4
I have recently purchased the USB BOA sn BS2 and am trying to get started with it.· Thanks to Dave from parallax Support I was able to communicate with the board via the Basic Stamp editor once.· I was a able to run the simple hello world program.
However the next time I tried to use the board, my computer identified it as a (something like)·microsoft mouse or track ball.· The editor no longer sees it as a basic stamp board.
Is it possible that I've somehow erased some EEPROM or flash that is used to identify the board to the computer?· If so, is there a way to fix the problem?
Thanks for any help,
I have recently purchased the USB BOA sn BS2 and am trying to get started with it.· Thanks to Dave from parallax Support I was able to communicate with the board via the Basic Stamp editor once.· I was a able to run the simple hello world program.
However the next time I tried to use the board, my computer identified it as a (something like)·microsoft mouse or track ball.· The editor no longer sees it as a basic stamp board.
Is it possible that I've somehow erased some EEPROM or flash that is used to identify the board to the computer?· If so, is there a way to fix the problem?
Thanks for any help,
Anyway, what you probably need to do is go to the Control Panel, System icon, Hardware page, and a button there to get a list of the assorted HW-units installed on your machine. (Can't remember the English name for it just now)
You'll need to locate the BOE in that mess, and remove the drivers that has been installed on it.
Then unplug it, reboot and reinstall whatever BOE drivers came with the kit(I don't have the kit, and well... I use a Mac, so...)
Don't visit my new website...
·· What can happen with USB devices is that if the device issending data when it's connected the PC may think you are connecting a mouse.· Try connecting the USB and then powering the board up afterward.· That will prevent the Stamp from sending data when you make your connection.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Powering up ini that order seems to clear up the problem.
Unfortunately, now it seems I'm back to the problem that Dave helped me with.· In the editor, the identify function seems to see the board (some time) but the run command does not.· I have adjusted the latency (and the TX and RX rates) but it still does not work.
The last program loaded·was a simple debug program from the manual (reading and writting to/from the debug window).· Could that be causing a problem?
Thanks again,
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Also, I remember when it did work, that the power switch had to be in position 1, so it did not popower the servos.
·· No, I was trying to make sure you didn't have low batteries...Perhaps something got damaged somewhere along the line?
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support
Thanks for getting back to me.· Do you have any more suggestions that I can try to get it working again?
Thanks again,