PINK Wish List
Posts: 77
Hello All,
It looks like Parallax may make some improvements to the PINK firmware. I would like to add some ideas that could increase the power of the PINK without adding too much complexity
1) Make the UDP port adjustable. The UDP port is currently fixed at 1000. This has been brought up before so I hope it can be included in the next release
2) Define an Indirect Register. This would allow saving and getting data from the register referred to in the indirect register. Stamp programs could use loop structures to store and get data, the WEB users could be storing and seeing different data based only on small numeric changes of a single register. One practical application would be to enter and view comments from a web site. Another could be a using the registers as a stack for an Instant Messenger server.
3) HTTP GET. Currently the PINK module only serves web pages, GETting web pages is great for retrieving information. The trick here is managing LOTS of data when the stamp has very little (SERIN with lots of wait for's). Would be great to get the temperature outside without a temperature sensor attached to the stamp by using one of the many weather web pages.
4) SCAN MAIL. Reading the full contents of our inbox would be the wrong task for a stamp due to the size BUT to be able to read mail headers would be possible and useful. If implemented The STAMP/PINK combination could serve as a mail UDP gateway allowing imbedded codes within the subject heeder to pass a message to the PINK and on to your network via UDP. One method to implement this would be to request a load of the next email into a set of PINK registers which could be then read by the Stamp processor.
The PINK device has a vast amount of power and memory compared to the stamp I am suggesting we put it to full use
Comments welcome!
It looks like Parallax may make some improvements to the PINK firmware. I would like to add some ideas that could increase the power of the PINK without adding too much complexity
1) Make the UDP port adjustable. The UDP port is currently fixed at 1000. This has been brought up before so I hope it can be included in the next release
2) Define an Indirect Register. This would allow saving and getting data from the register referred to in the indirect register. Stamp programs could use loop structures to store and get data, the WEB users could be storing and seeing different data based only on small numeric changes of a single register. One practical application would be to enter and view comments from a web site. Another could be a using the registers as a stack for an Instant Messenger server.
3) HTTP GET. Currently the PINK module only serves web pages, GETting web pages is great for retrieving information. The trick here is managing LOTS of data when the stamp has very little (SERIN with lots of wait for's). Would be great to get the temperature outside without a temperature sensor attached to the stamp by using one of the many weather web pages.
4) SCAN MAIL. Reading the full contents of our inbox would be the wrong task for a stamp due to the size BUT to be able to read mail headers would be possible and useful. If implemented The STAMP/PINK combination could serve as a mail UDP gateway allowing imbedded codes within the subject heeder to pass a message to the PINK and on to your network via UDP. One method to implement this would be to request a load of the next email into a set of PINK registers which could be then read by the Stamp processor.
The PINK device has a vast amount of power and memory compared to the stamp I am suggesting we put it to full use
Comments welcome!