Boe-Bot with MatTracks
I didn't want to HiJack the Tank Treads thread so I thought I'd post this to a new thread.
Here's a new take on the Tank Tread theme. This one uses MatTracks, which are self contained tank treads.

More pictures and video clips here:
Here's a new take on the Tank Tread theme. This one uses MatTracks, which are self contained tank treads.
More pictures and video clips here:
Ryan Clarke
Parallax Tech Support
didn't see any shots of it turning though... [noparse]:([/noparse]
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
I spent some time on the mattrack sight link you posted on your web page, but could not find a link for the small set you have how much????? and where????? post us a link,
Don't tease us ken!!!! LOL
The MatTracks are from a Radio Shack RC Hummer (60-4358). It cost $100 but you get 4 sets of MatTracks and you also get 4 regular wheels so you can still use the car if you are into RC vehicles. I waited until after Christmas to buy it because they always deep discount their RC·cars after Christmas, but they won't put this dang thing on sale! So I just broke down and paid full price for it. I suppose you could just sell the Hummer with the regular wheels on eBay and recoup some of the money spent.
I looked all over the MatTracks site but I guess RS has an exclusive on the "toy size".
These things are actually too powerful for the BOE-Bot. There's no stopping it!
The BOE-Bot will move without the rear·ball but it is needed to keep it from tipping over when it goes over objects. If it hits the wall, forget it. It's going up the wall and upside down no matter what you do!
Think you could post a video, of it turning??
Yes Paul, when Dave and I watched the video we were thinking this very thing...
Post Edited By Moderator (Ryan Clarke (Parallax)) : 3/7/2006 6:15:46 PM GMT
How about some details on how you hooked the MatTracks to the servos
There's nothing a good wack with a hammer won't fix
Darn I let the white smoke out again
Jay K. Jeffries
Post Edited (Russ) : 3/12/2006 8:07:25 PM GMT
How did you attach these tracks to the bot?·I couldn't really tell from any of the photos. Surely they need more support than just the servo shaft.
Anyway, I will find out soon enough, I scored one on Ebay for $30 and reasonable shipping. I should get it next week. I also saw on Ebay some kind of R/C pickup truck that came with the Mattracks. I'm pretty sure it was a Radio Shack model, so the hummer is not the only potential source.
·- Rick
I'll try and take some pictures today and post them.
More detailed pics here:
These treads look so much more robot-like than the Tamiya treads, kind of reminds me of Johnny No.5 in Short Circuit [noparse]:)[/noparse]
- Rick
My question is a little off topic,
but I was wondering what people think is the best/cheapest way
to make additional brackets/structures on the BOE-bot:
- Erector/Meccano,
- Vex,
- Plastruc,
- Home-made,
- etc.
Also, what are the BOE-Bot's whiskers made of?
I bought some brass and aluminum rods at the hardware store,
but they deform to easily (and they are too thick).
Post Edited (mprobo) : 3/17/2006 7:06:54 PM GMT
(I.e., it's not cheap, but I've already got a load of it, so it's sunk cost.)
If you want to free up the hub so that you can mount a servo to it, you are going to have to cut it out of the housing. I used a Scroll Saw (you can see the saw cuts in the pictures).
I like the Vex metal for making brackets out of. It is really easy to work with and can be cut easier than you might imagine. The 1x25 bar is especially handy:
down towards the bottom of the page.
I just got a heck of a deal - two of the Radio Shack Hummers with the Mattracks and two of the rechargable batteries for the price of a single Hummer. [noparse]:D[/noparse] Add it up.
I can handle complexity.. It's the SIMPLE things that confound me.
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