Begginner Project- Super Boe-Bot roamer
I just finished making my Boe-Bot roam with both Whiskers and IRs. Because you don't need any parts that arn't included with the bot, it is good for begginners.
here's the code:
If anybody can show me a good robotics scematic software that is FREE i can draw a schematic
here's the code:
' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} DO IF (IN0 = 0) AND (IN9 = 0) AND (IN5 = 0) AND (IN7 = 0) THEN PULSOUT 13, 650 PULSOUT 12, 850 ELSEIF (IN0 = 0) AND (IN9 = 0) THEN PULSOUT 13, 650 PULSOUT 12, 850 ELSEIF (IN5 = 0) AND (IN7 = 0) THEN PULSOUT 13, 650 PULSOUT 12, 850 ELSEIF (IN0 = 0) AND (IN5 = 0) THEN PULSOUT 13, 850 PULSOUT 12, 850 ELSEIF (IN7 = 0) AND (IN9 = 0) THEN PULSOUT 13, 650 PULSOUT 12, 650 ELSEIF (IN7 = 0) THEN PULSOUT 13, 650 PULSOUT 12, 650 ELSEIF (IN9 = 0) THEN PULSOUT 13, 650 PULSOUT 12, 650 ELSEIF (IN0 = 0) THEN PULSOUT 13, 850 PULSOUT 12, 850 ELSEIF (IN5 = 0) THEN PULSOUT 13, 850 PULSOUT 12, 850 ELSEIF (IN0 <> 0) AND (IN9 <> 0) AND (IN5 <> 0) AND (IN7 <> 0) THEN PULSOUT 13, 850 PULSOUT 12, 650 ELSEIF (IN0 <> 0) AND (IN9 <> 0) THEN PULSOUT 13, 850 PULSOUT 12, 650 ENDIF LOOP
If anybody can show me a good robotics scematic software that is FREE i can draw a schematic
In lieu of a schematic, you·might want to look at how others comment thier code, using the apostrophe· '
This would make your code much more usable to others, and could eliminate the need for a schematic.· It could also help you in a month or so when you pull the code out to use it on something else.· At least that is what has helped me recently.· I have several saved versions of code, per project, and several projects in progress.
Thanks for sharing. If you keep building, and sharing, you'll be much loved for sharing, with ' comments.
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support