HYDRA Video Demo Reel 1.0

As promised here is a demo reel for the Hydra. It contains over a dozen various demos written in SPIN/ASM and pure ASM. Please download and save, rather than downloading over and over to save my bandwidth.·The file is about 6 megs, I compressed it to 2M, but it looks terriable. When recording NTSC video thru a frame grabber you get a lot of degradation to begin with, so compression just destroys the edges and looses all high frequency components, thus I used a lower compression and got "reasonable" results, so you can see some detail.
As always, thank you VERY MUCH for your kind contribution to our collective better understanding of this new Parallax Propeller System. Just as a matter of possible interest the FTP download takes about 1 minute and 10 seconds at broadband (cable connection) speeds to the East Coast of the US.
With Andre's permission, if your mailbox will handle it, I would be happy to email the ZIP file (unaltered in any way) to any who might ask, to help take the load off the server.
Bruce Bates
bvbates at comcast dot net
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Post Edited (Bruce Bates) : 3/1/2006 12:51:13 PM GMT
Thank you for that demo!
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
Two things really stood out. First is that you provided a lot of variety, not just one or two games.
The second is that you were able to outline fonts with a contrasting color.
Without such, one sometimes cannot easily see the text.
I would be willing to email forward an unaltered copy to anyone that PMs me [noparse][[/noparse]to save Andre's bandwidth] .
It takes the same 1min 10 sec to get to Taiwan too.
I hadn't realized how much I missed the asteroids game. I first saw that on the Standford University campus before it was a comercial product.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan
Very cool demo Andre', it makes it a lot easier to appreciate the propeller and show off the capabilities to my students.· We appreciate the time required to put it together.
Martin Hebel
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Courriosity (sp ?) is peaked...
I know there's a website for the Hydra...
Time to go and find it...
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
And with that fast a server, I'd be worried about bandwidth, too.
Even our corporate network must be blazing this morning - it took well under 10 seconds, here in Silicon Valley!
I rarely (if ever) see a clean 1 MByte/S flow!
There's one glaring error in the demo, though...
At the end it says 'Demo Coders' when it should have been 'Demo Gods'...
for that was just awesome!
Don't visit my new website...
There's nothing really Hydra-related on there right now though, except for some threads on the forum.
Nick Sabalausky
Is the Hydra like the XGS ?
Or is it more like a development system, with the propeller at the center ?
Just tossing my two bits worth into the bit bucket
I was wondering about USB as keyboards and mice are moving in that direction.
One day that may be the only way to plug them in.
{Personally, I love the simplicity of the tradional interface.}
Extra EEPROM is always a plus. Ideas grow with the learning curve, so memory capacity must follow.
"When all think alike, no one is thinking very much.' - Walter Lippmann (1889-1974)
······································································ Warm regards,····· G. Herzog [noparse][[/noparse]·黃鶴 ]·in Taiwan